If it is just the verbal contract between labourers and coffee shop bosses and there is nothing to do with work permit terms and conditions and now the boss owing to the government fixed minimum wage policy could no longer afford to provide free food and accommodation, it is wrong for the boss to withdraw such additional voluntary benefit offered ? Isn't it insane to suggest those boss should stop operation if they can pay minimum wage and at the same time offering same benefit out of kindness?
Siti Kasim writes: "Dear Tun,
When you allowed the Maruah Melayu Kongress few months back, do you consider at all the feelings of other races and Malays like me? No. You didn't.
Video on Orang Asli in Malaya.
Lawyer Siti Kassim was blocked by officers of the Forestry Department yesterday from sending food and supplies to her clients in an Orang Asli settlement in Gua Musang, Kelantan.
Human rights lawyer Siti Kasim said the government should leave religious affairs to the rulers and keep religion out of national schools. She said that the only for change is through the movement of the rakyat and they need to pressure the education department to change. She said that the government has "no balls" to do this as they only think about their positions.
(Dayak Daily - December 20, 2019)
KUCHING, Dec 20: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan urged the Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) government to exit from the federation of Malaysia as it did not benefit the interest of the state and its people.
砂拉越和沙巴的《1963马来西亚协定》(MA63)的权利和权力必须在马来西亚联盟中56年后再次进行“谈判”,并且还设有一个指导委员会(Steering Committee)来研究有关《1963马来西亚协定》被侵犯和恢复权利以及恢复砂拉越作为在马来西亚的联邦的平等伙伴地位。提出修改《联邦宪法》第1(2)条的提议,本身就是联邦政府的承认,马来西亚的成立受到违反和不遵守规定的污染。
(Borneo Post - DECEMBER 20, 2019, FRIDAY AT 12:03 AM)
MIRI: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is annoyed with the lack of warning signs to alert road users regarding the undergoing sewerage construction works along Jalan Bulan Sabit Merah. According to PBK member Leslie Ting, the road is a very busy one.
I have 2 questions 1. Did PBK President Voon Lee Shan RESIGN from DAP before he was elected as PBK President ? Tun M RESIGN from UMNO before he formed Bersatu. Is this not standard protocol ? If one worked for Esso and then later work for Shell as CEO, does he/she needs to RESIGN his former position then accept the new post ? 2. Out of 27 members of PBK's Central Committee members, 22 are Chinese. Only 5 are non- Chinese. So is the 5 none Chinese members Sarawak Bumi Natives ? Why is PBK call Parti Bumi Kenyalang but its Central committee members are over 80% Chinese ?
If it is under JKR would the minister clarify why such thing happened? Is it kick back caused insufficient funds for quality work? MACC required to verify??
是技术问题还是偷工减料问题 ????
工程部长是否应该给砂拉越人民一个交代 ???????
石油资源本就属砂 . 莎丽花:为何砂要花钱买?
(Sin Chew - 2019-12-14 )
Penyampai: Tuan Zainnal Ajamain (Penasihat Rasmi MA63 Kerajaan Sabah)
(Free Malaysia Today - Larissa Lumandan -December 14, 2019 3:05 PM)
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan has described the proposal by Putrajaya to sell Petronas stakes to Sabah and Sarawak as an “insult” to the people. “Why should Sabah and Sarawak need to buy the resources that belong to them?
公正党内斗,从“和解”再到“决裂”,中间到底涉及了什么?而众多事件发生后,谁会是最终赢家?另外持续不断的内斗,消耗的除了是公正党内部凝聚力,还有什么? 本期的百格大家讲,我们邀请嘉宾跟你一起探讨此课题 时事评论员 蓝志锋 公青团组织秘书 蔡伟杰 群议社会员 郑至健
敦马多次说过,他一定会交棒,只是或许他一开始就没有意思,只想做一个过渡的看守首相。敦马一再强调,要把事情做完,要把一些问题解决后,才会下台走人。到底又是什么事、 哪些问题,非要他老人家亲自做完和解决不可呢?
林冠英斥马华操控中文媒体 爪夷文及拨款拉曼不让解释 (Oriental Daily - 2019年12月15日)
大马华人的生存故事 - 此生必须去一次的马来西亚华人历史博物馆! 华人下南洋和坚持维护中华血脉文化传承的血泪史?【政经10分钟EP22】 在这里,我们不仅传承华族文化传统, 同时也与友族同胞融洽相处, 共同为建设马来西亚的繁荣昌盛做出努力和贡献,共存共荣。 这是马来西亚华人的故事~
肯雅兰全民党新闻发布 (2019年12月14日)
敦促砂拉越政府不再与联邦政府就我们的石油和天然气举行会议。 从石油和天然气中,我们为联邦贡献了很多收入,但作为回报,我们从联邦政府那里获得的收益很少。在过去的五十年中,国油从我们的石油和天然气中赚了很多钱。
(14 Dec 2019 Dayak Daily - By: Malcolm Lau)
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan said he believed his mobile and office phone might have been “bugged” after police officers showed up for his press conference. “I am concern about how the police know that I will be holding a press conference at my office because I have only contacted media members to come,” he told reporters prior to a press conference at his office today.
Referendum is one of the legitimate procedures to exit under international law but to go for a referendum may not for political and legal reasons be suitable to Sabah and Sarawak. There are many countries in the world that got their independence by way of referendum. The fact they were held instead of seeking Unilateral Declaration of Independence depends on many legal and political considerations.
Kenyalang Gold Card gets green light from Sarawak Cabinet, applications open in January 2020
(Borneo Post - BY SAM CHUA ON DECEMBER 13, 2019, FRIDAY AT 1:29 PM)
KUCHING: The Sarawak Cabinet has approved the Kenyalang Gold Card initiative that allows senior citizens in the state to enjoy special privileges and discounts at participating partner’s outlets statewide, said Minister of Welfare, Community Well Being, Women, Family and Childhood Development Dato Sri Fatimah Abdullah.
If a political party, such as Parti Bumi Kenyalang, upfront declared that they are through constitution and international laws going for independence by peaceful means is it still need Sarawak people to show through Independence Referendum whether they want to remain in Malaysia if Parti Bumi Kenyalang managed to get Sarawak people majority support and become ruling political party in Sarawak after next Sarawak election? The answer is obvious.
Sarawak people find it unacceptable for the Minister Chong C J to grant sugar import AP to 11 anonymous users/merchants wondering why products manufactured by them with selling price remain the same. Why it is another secret deal that needs no transparency? Who are the 11 AP holders?
The land could be initially either under NCR or Sarawak government and the road, from the picture, is a proper tar-sealed road. It could be at later stage the company concerned resourceful enough manged to acquire the land and now without taking into consideration the plight of the community set up the blockade.
Keadaan jalanraya yang menghubungi ke kawasan tanah tinggi Ba' Kelalan amat memerlukan tindakan SEGERA oleh pihak yang berkenaan. Jika penghiasan ditebingan Sungai Bandar Lawas dapat dilakukan adalah amat tidak adil bagi penduduk di kawasan pendalaman terabai dari menikmati jalanraya yang Baik. "Laungan Transformasi Pembangunan Luar Bandar" Apakah sudah mencapai sasaran???? Fikir-fikirkanlah... Peter Asut
(See Hua - 2019年12月2日)
Let the leaders in GPS and Sarawak YBs in PH know. Do you know how much pain Sarawakians suffered in the hands our conquers, the Malayans? They conquered our territory, not with gun but with pen...MA63 was cleverly crafted to conquer us as part of their territory.
Cease preoccupation with symbolic issues, Zaid 'silat' chops Maszlee
(Malaysiakini - Published: Dec 2nd, 2019)
Zaid Ibrahim has censured Education Minister Maszlee Malik for his preoccupation with symbolic issues such as Jawi, silat and dakwah (preaching). “Is he trying to use schools as part of national identity rebuilding for the country?
诗巫水务局将从本月6日(星期五)晚上10时开始﹐进行南兰路武吉里玛食水过滤站400毫米水管驳接工程﹐直到工作完成为止。倘若天气恶劣﹐该工程将展延至隔天。Tomorrow (6th December 2019)Water Supply Temporarily interrupted for Maintenance from 10:00 pm in certain area of Sibu. Please fill up your water containers and pails tonight and/or tomorrow morning.
马哈迪是我国第四任首相,在位22年。2003年卸任之后,一直都紧密关注政治,也很常公开发言。去年509带领希盟促成我国史上第一次改朝换代,也创下纪录二度任相。不过,说好的交棒仍是空穴来风、流言斐语沸沸扬扬,政坛看似分裂成 保马 与 挺安 两大派。接下来,就让两位时事评论员蓝志锋与戴子豪来说一说他们的立场与看法。