阅读全文: Voon : The Tussle of Oil and Gas between Sarawak GPS government and PETRONAS
Dear Mr. Prime Minister,
We acknowledge that Petronas is a national company. However, while it is de jure a Malaysian company, essentially, it’s a de facto Peninsular Malaysia company. Its operations, investments, economic focus, and decision-making processes suggest it functions predominantly as a Peninsular Malaysia company. Ponder on the points I am going to present. I stand to be corrected for any inaccuracies, but I make no apologies for addressing these inequities.
Police, military and District Office should learn a lesson from the death of a soldier who was said shot dead by hunters in the forest in Song on 23 September 2024 recently.
Raja Petra Kamarudin claimed that THE RISING racial and religious tension in the country can only be subdued or put to an end if every non-Malay/non-Muslim citizen accepts that “Malaysia is originally Tanah Melayu, Islam is accorded a high status and it is not a secular state” - see FOCUS MALAYSIA 10/4/2024. This is definitely not correct.
阅读全文: JOINT PRESS Statement: Rising racial and religious tensions
Parti Bumi Kenyalang,(PBK) is concerned about the bill proposing constitutional amendments to citizenship law tabled in parliament at the moment, because it will prevent children who have been born to Malaysian mothers abroad from obtaining citizenship.
阅读全文: Voon: Business Terrorism Against KK Mart Convenience Store
There's case for Independents entering the fray, win or lose, for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest! There's case for Independents entering the fray in GE16 and the next state election for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest in Sabah.
阅读全文: Sabahan should rise up and oust proxy government . . .
阅读全文: Voon : Questions surrounding the appointment of new Sarawak Governor (TYT)
It is a shock to read that Parti Bumi Kenyalang has ties with PKR and that PBK has a joint statement with PKR concerning the appointment of Sarawak Governor(TYT) – see Dayak Daily January 24, 2024 & Utusan Borneo Online 25 January, 2024.
MIRI, Jan 20 — Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan has called for the Federal Constitution to be amended towards regaining public confidence in the Malaysian judicial system.
阅读全文: Parti Bumi Kenyalang chief suggests review of Constitution on judicial system
Often police will justify the shooting of the suspect because the suspect is suspected to have committed many crimes under investigation and was armed at the time of shooting.