Rejecting ‘Sarawak for Sarawakians’ as a clarion call, Abdul Karim says there’s no ‘ketuanan’ in the state
(Borneo Post - POSTED ON JULY 31, 2019, WEDNESDAY AT 2:50 PM)
KUCHING: Datuk Abdul Karim Rahman Hamzah has dismissed ‘Sarawak for Sarawakians’ as the state’s clarion call, adding further that there was no “ketuanan” (supremacy) of one race over another.
Lo to Chong: Sarawakians want independence
(DayakDaily-August 1, 2019)
KUCHING, Aug 1: Batu Kitang Assemblyman Lo Khere Chiang says Sarawak Pakatan Harapan (PH) chief Chong Chieng Jen should know that Sarawakians want independence. “The late Tok Nan (former Chief Minister Pehin Sri Adenan Satem) may have thought about this but he also knew that it had to be a peaceful and timely process.
石油和天然气分开算,按照2017砂拉越当局的资料,每天的净利有1)原油净利RM25,750,000 2)天然气RM113,000,000. 一天净利总数RM139,000,000所以一天净利有大约有1.4亿马币
Comment: Federal government has been in breach of Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63)? If it is .... What's next? May be table and pass the Declaration Of Independence and have it registered at United Nations? Decolonization process?
Tiong slams Education Ministry’s intent to introduce Khat or Jawi calligraphy art, calls for ‘substantial educational reform’
KUCHING: Bintulu MP Dato Sri Tiong King Sing urges Pakatan Harapan leaders to carefully examine the weaknesses in the current education system and implement substantial educational reform.
By Tan Chok Bui 发布于 July 29, 2019
明年起爪夷文书法(Seni Khat)纳入小四国文科课本,归为“趣味语文”其中一部分,但未来会否纳入考试范围?教育部副部长张念群的回应是目前不会纳入考试范围,未来则有赖大家相互监督。
Sanibsaid / July 22, 2017
First Ministerial Cabinet of Sarawak
22 July comes again, this year it falls on Saturday today. People are still confused. For the sake of brevity 6 evidences are presented here as proof that on 22 July 1963 Sarawak did not gained its independence.
BY SIDI MUNAN (Borneo Post NOVEMBER 4, 2018, SUNDAY AT 12:10 AM)
General view of the Inter-Governmental Committee meeting showing officials from Sarawak, North Borneo, Britain and the Federation of Malaya at the Operation Room in Kuala Lumpur on Jan 18, 1963.
(February 19, 2018) MA63 BREACH By ZAINNAL AJAMAIN
COMMENT: Are the leaders in the Federal and Sabah governments made up of honourable and sincere men? Or are they in the elevated position only for themselves rather than serving the interest and welfare of the rakyat and the nation?
KOTA KINABALU(Tracy Patrick - December 14, 2017 10:26 AM): There have been more than 50 breaches of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) by the federal government, author and MA63 activist Zainnal Ajamain claims.
He told FMT that one of the major breaches was the repeated failure on the part of the federal government to return 40% of revenue collected in Sabah since 1964.
Current Market Price for Crude Oil is USD65.20 per barrel (28 Jul2019 2:16pm) average production cost is USD30.00 per barrel therefore net profit value = USD65.20 - USD30 = USD35.20 per barrel Therefore Petronas is earning net profit of USD35.20 x 170,000 barrels per day= USD5,984,000 per day which is about RM23,936,000 per day(Rate USD1=RM4). Natural gas output (680,000 barrels) net income was RM113 Million per day while Crude oil output per day is 170,000 barrel with per day net income of RM25,753,000 based on official 2017 figure, making a total of about RM139 Million per day.
If there's only Malay and Bumiputras and no Chinese, the Chinese will live to regret … It's time for the Chinese to think very deeply, rather than talking about things like discrimination, which are relatively smaller issues than the Right to be able to determine the destiny of this Country where the Chinese have a say.
RamboChai 蔡阿保: 一直很 ‘生氣’,關於砂拉越的字眼,被人‘淡忘’ / 忽略使用。。。你是不是也用錯了砂拉越呢?全馬來西亞人都說錯的中文名 = Sarawak 沙撈越 | 砂勞越 | 砂撈越 | 砂拉越 (下面還有東西看喔!) 我們一起努力改變,用對的名字喲~
One YouTube user RamboChai 蔡阿保 produced and uploaded this video about Sarawak regaining its independence. He talked about History and what will likely happen if Sarawak regain its independence.
RamboChai 蔡阿保: 如果【砂拉越】【沙巴】【马来亚】各自为国。 简单分享关于东马西马的小小知识。也请大家分享哦~ 谢谢 (下面還有東西看喔!) 详细独立日 : 【砂拉越】是一个国, 砂拉越独立日 :1963年07月22日 【沙巴】是一个国, 沙巴独立日 :1963年08月31日 【马来亚】是一个国, 马来亚独立日 :1957年08月31日
Referendum is the best solution for Sarawak or table and pass Declaration of Independence in DUN? Read on.
警方传召问话 房保德:牺牲生命与新政府对抗
Someone with own unknown agenda and motive made a police report against 722 people's movement perhaps not knowing organizers have met all requirements set by police and other authorities. If it is an abuse of police facility and procedures or the the person who made the police report out of ignorant of peoples right under United Nations human rights he or she should read the details as below:
‘Why lodge a police report if we met all requirements?’
by Karen Bong
KUCHING, July 24: Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspirations (Sapa) president Dominique Ng questions why a police report was lodged against him despite fulfilling all requirements under the law for organising the Sarawak Day assembly at Padang Merdeka which was held without incident on Monday (July 22).
溫利山辟謠沒被逮捕 稱傳聞旨在製造恐慌
Unifi Mobile offers government staff unlimited data, calls and SMS for RM59/month
After introducing its Pek Jasa plan for teachers, TM is now extending the RM59/month unlimited Unifi Mobile postpaid plan offer to all civil servants in Malaysia. The plan comes with unlimited data plus unlimited calls and SMS to domestic numbers.
Sarawak GPS government will definitely get sarawak people full support if GPS government could treat Sarawak people interest as priority and table and pass in DUN:
1) Anti hopping law to prevent ADUN from changing camp by automatically void their ADUN status (forfeiting salary, allowance and other benefits) with penalty of 10 years no contesting rights in elections.
The call for referendum is not simple as one would like to believe. You need to be Sarawak government and the government must be people's interest oriented and willingly table and pass "Referendum Ordinance" in DUN with all the terms and conditions and implementation system properly written into "Referendum Ordinance". This first step is a time consuming process.
Comment On News:
Knowing the history is only the first step especially Sarawak government on 20 May 2016 gazetted 22 July as the Sarawak Independence Day.
However, there is no effort to register the gazette in United Nations to declare Sarawak independence or should Sarawak government act further to table and pass Declaration of Independence in DUN and send it to United Nations for registration of Sarawak Independence?
来自肯雅兰全民党 2019年8月15日
It is time for Sarawak government to base on International laws and United Nations rulings as well as decolonization process to pass Declaration of Independence in DUN and submit it to United Nation's and England for registration. By doing that Sarawak will regain it's independent status.
感谢John Teo 的关心,寻求砂独的结局有可能像他所说那样,会是災难性的。
作者在没有提及联合国事实和数据的情况下写作,甚至懒得阅读和理解“1963年马来西亚协定”,也没有跟进联合国鼓励和记录的去殖民化进程,将“砂拉越追求独立”放在一边说“所有主张(错误地)在1963年7月22日马来西亚于当年8月31日成立之前,该州已经独立于1963年 - 所有这些都符合一个新思想的叙述,即该州作为“平等伙伴”进入马来西亚(整个马来亚,不能少说)“ 他的立场显然与马来亚有关,写作的目的同样显而易见,试图迷惑和吓唬砂拉越人。
The writer wrote without referring to United Nations facts and figures and not even bother to read and understand the Malaysia Agreement 1963 nor following up decolonization process encouraged and recorded by United Nations brushing aside "Sarawak In quest Of Independence" by saying "all asserting (falsely) that the state was already independent on July 22, 1963 before Malaysia came into being on Aug 31 that year — all to fit into a newly thought-up narrative that the state came into Malaysia as an “equal partner” (with the whole of Malaya, no less) " His stand obviously is with the Malaya and the purpose of the writing is equally obvious trying to confuse and frighten Sarawak people.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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