我是一名独中生,也是一名建筑系毕业生,目前在一所建筑事务所工作。在6年的独中教育里,我分别考获大马教育文凭 (SPM)以及统考文凭(UEC),过后以统考文凭入读本地私立大学主修建筑系(Part I)*,去年更从本地国立大学硕士学位毕业(Part II)*。
潘君胜《马智礼 长大吧!2019年5月20日 9520点阅
The following is for tourism promotion of Sarawak and it introduces the major attractions of Sarawak. It is worth visiting Sarawak in your next holidays.
This song is dear to all Sarawakian especially the oldies. This is the original version and there is a several "new" version which are unfamiliar to us and there is some changes to the music making it difficult to sing and sound not quite right.
「不要嫉妒華人有錢,是我們馬來人不爭氣 !! 」開明馬來教授再度為華裔發聲!
大多數的馬來人都羨慕我國的華人。馬來人會如此想,乃因為他們自認是土土生土長的土著,但卻被迫「受苦」,只能在Dol Tomyam餐館吃晚餐,而華人卻能夠舒適地在富有異國風情的西餐廳吃——我本身甚至都說不出這些餐廳的名字!大多數的馬來人都羨慕我國的華人。
Update your WhatsApp now to avoid Israeli spyware
WhatsApp is urging all users to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible to prevent your personal information from being compromised. A vulnerability was found in the instant messaging app where spyware can be injected with a simple WhatsApp call.
Dato' Seri Tiong King Sing (拿督斯里张庆信) May 14 at 7:01 PM ·
“张健仁忘了将“车大炮”算进去” 希盟执政一周年何止5项成绩
Black mark for new tint ruling
By Aaron Denison Deivasagayam - May 14, 2019 @ 10:15pm
IT is safe to say that the new ruling on tinted window marks the first blip of the Transport Ministry under the Pakatan Harapan government.
The regulation, announced last week, allows motorists to tint rear windshields and passenger windows as dark as they want.
大家请听以下内容。政治部的目地是确保国家安全为目标,那为什么不改名为国家安全部。政党是人民未来管理国家的选择之一。和国家安全有什么关系?这种用来协助执政党的工具须废除。 Source Sar Man shared a post to the group: 砂拉越人民之声.
Shyon Wong May 13 at 4:05 PM
究竟幕后是否有人干预司法公报私仇? 而幕后的黑手又是何人?
Christopher Kent to 砂拉越人民之声 16 hrs
今朝做政府都一年了还什么问题就前朝真的无能!如果要问前朝那是否土团的全体都得回去前朝 ?不然谁能给你们答复 ?因为政策都是老马一手策划的政策 !如果很为难那就解散国会再选过 ?因为你们都一直在吃死猫我们也替你们不值嘛!
The following video perhaps is the cause of boycot of import of Palm Oil by European countries. There should be a solution to such destruction.
NEW VIDEO shows the extent of the palm oil problem in Malaysia and why one should not consume palm oil!!! #Savemulu #Landrightsnow #UNESCO
An Article by Voon Lee Shan, former State Assemblyman for Batu Lintang
Sabah and Sarawak were acquired by the Federation of Malaya on 16. 9.1963 to enlarge its territories. By enlargement of its territory, the Federation of Malaya took a new name called the Federation of Malaysia. Therefore, Malaysia is Malaya and Malaya is Malaysia.
这三个穆斯林民族是90年代的西马执政党为了削弱沙巴本土势力而进行的Project IC,也就是进口菲律宾和印尼的居民进而改变人口架构的计划的产物。也难怪本土势力会如此被当地人口厌恶,因为当地的人口架构已经被改变,所谓的本土势力已经被外来者代替。加上希盟承诺要给这些外来者居民身份,难怪火箭可以在山打根大胜,沙菲益的确是这些外来人口的bossku。很多希盟支持者还在高兴地说巫伊联盟不奏效,国家可以避免回教化。其实他们忘了,沙巴人口结构已经逐渐被外来份子改变,回教化只是时间的问题,没有什么好高兴的。
Basically Mahathir talk how back then when he was the 4th Prime Minister, he didnt really bothered much about the relationship and system of Malaya w/ Sabah & Sarawak and he just followed what his predecessors system back then. Only now did he and PH realized that the relationship between Malaya and SS was not 13 states but rather it's own entity (wilayah) .
How involved can the monarchy be in politics
Malaysia has a "constitutional monarchy", kinda like the Queen of England. But how does it work? And how involved should constitutional monarchs be in politics?
No compromise on state rights We’ll keep what’s ours at all costs even if it means having to buy back: CM
KUCHING: The state government will not compromise in its defence of the state’s constitutional rights and safeguards.
“We will not abdicate our responsibilities in defending the state’s constitutional rights and the territory of the state, including its boundaries,” Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg declared in his winding-up speech at the DUN sitting yesterday.
The federal parliament can pass any law that affect the rights of Sabah and Sarawak even though the legislation could be unconstitutional. All legislations passed by Parliament are presumed constitutional until set aside by court or repealed by Parliament. What will happen if litigants have no resources to bring the matter to court to declare the law unconstitutional or the court may just differ in opinion of the aggrieved party?
In 1867, Kingdom of Sarawak’s first General Council meeting was held in Bintulu, making it the earliest legislative system in Malaysia. Today, a clock tower and a centenary stone remain as a reminder of where the meeting took place. When Vyner unveiled the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the White Rajah in 1941, the General Council meeting was held in Kuching
The Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah is the Preamble of the Sarawak Constitution 1941, the document setting forth the Sarawak Constitution 1941 opened by enunciating the Cardinal Principle were edict by Charles Vyner Brooke, the White Rajah of Sarawak on 24 September 1941 known as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the White Rajah later adopted into the Report of the Commission of Enquiry, North Borneo and Sarawak, 1962 in APPENDIX C as the Nine Cardinal Principles of the rule of the English Rajah,[1]
(The Nine Cardinal Principle rules of Sarawak)
英籍拉者统治的基本律法之九大宪法是1941年砂国宪法的基本法,砂朥越拉者三世Vyner Brooke於9月24日下達之敇令如下。同时間也是拉者王朝一百周年庆之日。
希盟执政1周年 马股下跌213点
砂拉越行动党为什么那么介意人联党党领袖,在砂拉越会议中讲解砂拉越历史并说明在砂拉越会议提呈“公投法”(Referendum Ordinance)? 这是砂拉越朝向更民主的“全砂拉越人民的民主工具”,让人民可以在情况需要时,人民可以启动公投法让人民做决定。为什么砂拉越希望联盟自称还是砂拉越子民,不愿意看到“公投法令”成真?
Strike when the iron is hot - one year after PH took over, is PH sincere to Sarawak? Has it steered Malaysia on the path of moderation?
The new government of PH led by Tun Dr Mahathir did set out by striking when the iron is hot.
From Sarawak point of view, the Tun Mahathir 2.0, struck immediately against Sarawak when one month after coming into power, Petronas sued Sarawak Government asking the court to basically seize our oil and our right to impose sales tax under our State law, Oil Mining Ordinance 1958.
(肯雅兰全民党主席余清禄 2019年5月8日)
明天就是5. 09, 希盟取代国阵执政联邦中央364天了。
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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