MIRI, June 29: Sarawakians should be given a chance to decide whether Sarawak should secede from Malaysia. Parti Bansa Dayak Sarawak Baru (PBDSB) president Bobby William, in a statement, suggested that the state government hold a referendum as it seemed the call to leave the federation is growing louder.
Source: youtube
A message to all North Borneo (Sabah) and Sarawak people. A message for all of us to understand and struggle for it. This struggle is not a game. We are here not to play on somebody's else game because there is million of life of people to be accounted for and we did it for the sake of our future generation.
Article by Murray Hunter
(Borneo Post JUNE 25, 2019, TUESDAY AT 12:08 AM)
KUCHING: Democratic Action Party (DAP) Sarawak should tell its national secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, who is federal Finance Minister, that Sarawak needs 20 per cent oil and gas royalty and 50 per cent of all revenues collected from Sarawak be returned to the state.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang In Quest of Independence is working on the footprints left by our beloved CM Tan Sri Adenan Satem who was clear that Sarawak should work on to seek independence from the federation of Malaysia by peaceful and constitutional means and within the framework of international law. Please rally behind us to form the next Sarawak government.
Finance minister was hand picked by Dr. M not elected thus you can't expect very much the outcome.
(FMT-Larissa Lumandan - June 24, 2019 8:00 AM)
KUCHING: Batang Sadong MP Nancy Shukri has questioned Lim Guan Eng’s suitability for his position as finance minister, saying his recent statement about Sarawak’s financial future showed an inability to understand budgeting.
(From right) Voon presents his arguments during the debate, as Foo, Abdul Aziz, organising committee member Edmund Lee and Siah look on.
(KUCHING JUNE 23, 2019): Arguments on whether or not Sarawak should seek independence from the Federation of Malaysia were the central theme during the ‘Sarawak, What’s Next?’ debate, conducted by Movement of Change, Sarawak (MoCS) here yesterday.
(Click picture to view)
LGE felt the heat of PBK's "in quest of independence" and lost his cool and worried PH Sarawak might lose in Sarawak next election hence trying to fool people by saying "under GPS Sarawak will bankrupt in 3 year's" since GPS has the most ADUN at the moment.
KUCHING, June 19: There is nothing seditious for Sarawak to seek independence from Malaysia, as there is nothing in the Federal Constitution to stop the state from seeking self determination.
Voon Lee Shan hopes to receive universal support from Sarawak People
(Kuching June 19th) The Parti Bumi Kenyalang President Voon Lee Shan stressed today that the party’s goal is to continue the movement of the late former Chief Minister, Tan Sri Pehin Sri Haji Adenan bin Satem, in quest of Sarawak Independence..
KUCHING, June 13: In the quest for independence, Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) said it does not believe in race politics. Party president Voon Lee Shan said this is because it is through race politics that the economy, religious freedom and democracy have been destroyed.
The recent debacle of DAP Sarawak leaders and their ex-DAP party leader has brought some eye-opening interest to Sarawak people. So much so that the above cartoon created by certain Facebook user by the name of Canon Drum seems to very well summarized the issue.
When elected politician jumped ship for self interest voters cried foul and felt betrayed. There has been suggestion to put a stop to this unhealthy jumping ship act seen by rakyat as corruption and making election as money making business.
(美里新闻) 许多砂拉越人认为他们被联邦政府所唾弃和压迫,肯雅兰全民党署理主席Peli Aron声称. 据他说,国家人民被剥夺了适当的道路和其他基础设施,有些人还将他们的土地非法或被马来西亚半岛的大公司侵占。
(The Borneo Post 16 Jun 2019)
MIRI: Many Sarawakians feel that they are being uncared for and oppressed by the federal government, claims Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) deputy president Peli Aron. According to him, the people of the state have been deprived of proper roads and other infrastructures, and some have also had their land being taken unlawfully or encroached by mega companies from Peninsular Malaysia.
Encik Peli Ak Aron,
Timbalan Presiden Parti Bumi Kenyalang
Saya, dalam usaha untuk kemerdekaan, mengembara di Sarawak sebagai seorang peguam dan pastor selama bertahun-tahun dan orang-orang Sarawak, terutamanya orang asli, yang berada di luar Kuching ketika ditanya oleh saya, menyuarakan keinginan dan harapan mereka supaya melihat Sarawak memperoleh kemerdekaan daripada persekutuan Malaysia.
肯雅兰全民党: 新领导新作风
City Plus FM DJ with Sin Chew Newspaper Editor talked on news of the day and this time they talked about Parti Bumi Kenyalang and its newly elected President Voon L S and his relationship with the DAP Sarawak. News reported that Parti Bumi Kenyalang is the only political party taking Sarawak's independence as its mission for Sarawak people. News video is in Chinese.
Sarawak Baru to apply to RoS soon to be a registered coalition
By Lian Cheng
SIBU, June 13: Sarawak Baru Alliance (Sarawak Baru) will apply to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) to be a registered political coalition, hopefully in time for the next Sarawak election that is due by 2021.
Canon Drum view: YOU DO NOT OWN US!!!
Mr. Nasrul Ali Hasan Abdul Latif of PERKASA, the Malayan Ketuanan race hate organization, has been so frightened by the recent Parti Bumi Kenyalang call for Sarawak independence, that he said it was "seditious" and a "provocation that can affect Malaysia's position and racial unity".
What to celebrate when promises like 20% oil and gas royalty and 50% tax never delivered? Worse still the failed amendment of federal Constitution with the intention to remove our rights under (MA63) Malaysia Agreement 1963. The celebration is more or less gathering of ministers to make speeches with no sign of improving economy and livelihood of Sarawak people and only hotels and airlines will benefit from the celebration.
Demand for referendum? Isn't it Sarawak matter and it has nothing to do with Federation of Malaya? If GPS and PH Sarawak wanted to pass in DUN Referendum Ordinance just go ahead and do it. Treat it as a democratic tool for the betterment of future generation for them to seek common consensus through referendum; instead of using it as a threat or final ultimatum to federal government.
Sarawak people should support such proposal (only Sarawakian to stand in Sarawak's poll) and be vocal about it in newspaper and social Media to push for such amendment in DUN. If GPS is indeed there to protect Sarawak's rights and to regain equal partners then such proposal is timely and need urgent attention and action.
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), which was approved as a political party by the Registrar of Societies on August 28, 2013, will spearhead the struggle of the people of Sarawak who are dissatisfied with the Federation of Malaysia to seek the state’s exit from the federation.
The video was produced by one facebook user relating issues before and after May 9 Malaysia General Election. Ufortuneately it was in Chinese. Hopefully English version will be available in the future.
Source: facebook
For those born before 1963, their birth certificate and passport were issued by Sarawak government which proved that Sarawak was a nation before becoming part of Malaysia.Sarawak had its own currency and stamp and etc long before the existence of Federation of Malaya.
中马建交45周年主题曲 The theme song to commemorate the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China. Both Singers are famous Malaysian singers Lee Pei Ling and Ms.Siti Nur Masyitah Mohd Yusoff
Source: Teck Wan Kho facebook Yesterday at 1:04 PM
SUPP Central Women Section Chairman Kho Teck Wan is in the opinion that the Finance Minister Department should focus on trade initiatives that will generate more income to the country, instead of turning to rakyat for national income.
Madah Malaysia mayuh utang enda ulih mantu rayat diri empu.
Madah ngansak pinjau PTPTN perlu mayar utang belajar. Enti enda bayar deka blacklist nama ke menua bukai, lesen driba digantung. Ku jaku deka ngapus ke PTPTN enti PH menang.
Facebook user created this video using SST issue which made people suffered more than when GST introduced. There is rumour that PH government going to U turn to GST with less than 6% rate to show that they are not really U turn but their own creation.
Sarawak tawarkan 600,000 hektar tanah untuk tanaman selain sawit
JOHOR BAHRU: Kerajaan Sarawak berhasrat menawarkan kira-kira 600,000 hektar tanah yang tidak akan ditanam semula
dengan kelapa sawit kepada mana-mana pihak yang berminat termasuk Kementerian Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani.
Menteri Pertanian dan Industri Asas Tani, Datuk Salahuddin Ayub, berkata perkara itu akan dibincangkan bersama Ketua Menteri,
The crutch stigma and the quota system
DR Maszlee Malik touched off a furor with his recent statement on the contentious Matriculation Quota System.
The Education Minister said the Cabinet had agreed to increase the Matriculation Programme Student Intake from 25,000 to 40,000 but the 90 per cent quota for Bumiputeras would remain.
Did you know that you can borrow eBooks from the National Library for free?
Apparently, Malaysians spend very little time for reading books but surprisingly, we are one of the world’s highest spenders on books according to a recent survey. If you love to read, there’s actually a way for you to borrow eBooks from the National Library of Malaysia.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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