The Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand NGO (SSRANZ) has congratulated Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim leader of the Pakatan Harapan party, on his appointment as the 10th Prime Minister of Malaysia and the appointment of his new 28-member cabinet on 2 December 2022.
Time and again I received voice of unhappiness including from retired senior police officers over the loss of Sarawak Constabulary and they want Sarawak Constabulary be restored.
Nothing is perfect in politics but the team assembled by the honourable prime minister Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim should be lauded for his efforts to come with a team that could compromise the differences of ideologies of all political parties that helped to form this Unity Cabinet.
My colleagues and I are being arrested and are now in Simpang Tiga Police Station Kuching. I was told I was put under arrest under Sedition Act 1948. But police did not tell me what activities or words that I said were against the law.
The just concluded elections are a “political prostitution” of democracy. It makes democracy no more a sacred process to elect politicians and political parties to run the country. Citizens now see politicians as “prostitutes” sleeping with whom they can freely choose once elected. They keep not their words with whom they would not “sleep” with.
The Malaysian 15th Parliamentary Elections held on Saturday 19-11-2022 resulted in victories and defeats that created history. It has been 5 days since the fateful day and Malaysians are still awaiting for the announcement of a government that will hopefully deliver on all its election promises and truly heal Malaysia.
PH government had lowered the voting age to 18 years old and it now works against PH itself. UNDI-18 has become a sword by certain groups for their end.
If not careful these groups can penetrate secular society especially in Sarawak with their ideology to change their lifestyle.
Priscilla Lau attended to public complaint on SMC failure to solve their problem
She advised Sarawak voters to demand a written guarantee that Anwar Ibrahim will honor his proposal during his Saturday visit to Sarawak published in Sarawak news paper as follows: 讲的头头是道,问题是74国会议员席位没有给砂拉越也没有给沙巴,以下说的在国会就不能通过,马来亚国会议员会否决。说白了,只是骗我们手中的票。
Priscilla Lau spoke on sudden change of rival political parties "election tune" away from their official manifestoes to the one similar to Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) "Restore Sarawak" indicating their agreement to our struggle as well as their failure to gain support and votes from Sarawak people.
Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh commented on views of rivals candidates
Priscilla Lau thanked previous night 39,000 live viewers supporting ceramah online She also commented on child education and the suffering of her children through existing education system and her venture into international school to provide alternative education system to Sarawak people.
Parti Sarawak Bersatu Ceramah 9 November 2022 Priscilla Lau spoke on her dream to have a Sarawak for Sarawakian and criticised on DAP Sarawak leaders not treating Sarawak their motherland and indifferent of Sarawak loss of oil and gas, continental shelf and territorial seas through Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA 1974). Have DAP Sarawak MPs spoke out on repeal of Petroleum Development Act 1974 in parliament?
As President of Parti Bumi Kenyalang, I am making this special appeal to all voters in Sarawak to vote for our Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) candidates who are contesting in this 15th General Elections. PBK is only contesting in four seats. These seats are the seat of Bandar Kuching, Stampin, Lanang and Mas Gading. Contesting for Bandar Kuching is myself, Voon Lee Shan. Lue Cheng Hing is contesting for Stampin and Priscilla Lau for Lanang seats while Ryan Sim Min Leong is contesting for Mas Gading seat.
(诗巫2022年11月9日讯)砂团党诗巫国会选区候选人拿督斯里黄顺舸表示,对于“张健仁恳请砂团党旗帜之下出战的候选人退选不要成为历史的罪人”,是不是他怕了我们势力太大,认为他会败? 他说,竞选是民主国度里面一定的程序,让人民去决定谁是历史罪人。
Priscilla Lau, P211 Lanang spoke on rivals campaign activities
Corruption is disgusting and it is a cancer that can cause the collapse of society and nation. Corruption and bribery could be committed in many ways and unknown to many the giving of free food, drinks, wine and entertainment to voters in the pretext of rendering help and make you happy is an offence under the law.
SIBU (Nov 7): Parti Sarawak Bersatu’s (PSB) Lanang candidate Priscilla Lau is asking her rival Wong Ching Yong from Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) to list down all the development projects that he will implement in the next five years, if he gets elected on Nov 19.
KUCHING, Nov 7: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) pleads to Democratic Action Party (DAP) to withdraw from contesting in Sarawak in the 15th General Election (GE15). Its president Voon Lee Shan said there are three reasons why DAP should withdraw from this election.
(诗巫7日讯)砂全民团结党主席拿督斯里黄顺舸找到了他的政治战友,刘秘秀。 黄顺舸称,他多年的政治战友拿督刘会洲的过世,对他的打击很大,也令他一度感到低落,现在他找到了一个就象刘会洲那样敢怒、敢言的战友,即是刘秘秀。
Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh shared his experience in Sarawak DUN cabinet as a finance minister and relating to current political situation and explaining the necessary of Parti Sarawak Bersatu working closely with Parti Bumi Kenyalang for the benefits of both parties. He urged Sarawak voters to cast their votes in favour of Parti Sarawak Bersatu and Parti Bumi Kenyalang to send their Sarawak local candidates who have sarawak interests in their hearts to Parliament in this coming General Election 15 to represent Sarawak people in parliament.
Priscilla Lau talked about her love for Sarawak that helps her to fight on for the future of Sarawak. Good response from public.
2018 Malaysian General Election PH DAP sarawak manifesto : 1) Every Sarawakian will get RM2,000 per year. 2) 50% OF ALL TAX COLLECTED FROM SARAWAK WILL GO TO THE STATE COFFERS 3) 20% OIL AND GAS ROYALTY WILL ALSO GO TO THE STATE COFFERS ONCE PAKATAN HARAPAN BECOMES FEDERAL GOVERNMENT。 9 May 2018 Malaysian General Election Pakatan Harapan became federal government but they said manifesto not a bible.
Hitting PBK and their members below the belt by you accusing us that way instead of debating on issues affecting the livelihood and well-being of people shows that you are empty tins and not able to solve problems affecting people and country, Sarawak. Each elections come, your empty tin becomes louder and louder to the extent of telling voters you will seal our roads and drains with gold, jade and diamonds.
How Is Sarawak Oil Taken? The Petrol Development Act 1974 (PDA1974) has made Petronas the Exclusive and Only Owner to onshore and offshore oils in Sarawak. For The Past 48 Years Sarawak Has Given 100% Of Its Oil Resources To PETRONAS with both hands.
2022年十月七日砂拉越团结全民党和肯雅兰全民党 第一次在诗巫中央市场联合拜访小贩。 砂拉越团结全民党和肯雅兰全民党领袖,在诗巫中央市场所遇到的大多数人都知道 ,砂拉越团结全民党、肯雅兰全民党和 达雅党在即将到来的国会大选会紧密合作。 群众乐见3党合作,对此反应非常积极。
Tonight (09/10/2022) Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) invited Lawyer Priscilla Lau, Secretary General of the Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), and PBK's leaders to attend the PSB members' dinner. Lawyer Priscilla Lau also took this opportunity to brief the purpose and strategy of the Parti Sarawak Bersatu and Parti Bumi Kenyalang in the upcoming parliamentary elections.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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