It doesn't make any difference as Malaysia Agreement 1963 is null and void for the following reasons:
1) Independent country federation of Malaya signed jointly with three colonies of British known as Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak
2)Malaysia Agreement 1963 signed by 4 partners with Singapore leaving the federation the agreement is considered null and void.
When Singapore left Malaysia any war? If Singapore can do it without war, what makes you think sarawak won't be able to do it. These DAP, PSB, GPS leaders trying very hard to dampen independence movement because voters interested in independence not DAP who couldn't even deliver own manifesto and need Dr. M to cover his backside by saying manifesto is not Bible. They are bankrupt politically.
新加坡离开马来西亚时有战争?如果新加坡可以在没有战争的情况下做到这一点,那么您认为砂拉越会做不到?这些 DAP、PSB、GPS 领导人非常努力地抑制独立运动,因为选民对独立感兴趣的而不是 对DAP,他们甚至无法对自己的宣言负责任,需要 敦马 博士通过说宣言不是圣经来掩盖他的困境。他们在政治上已经破产了。
KUCHING: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan claims that the party’s push for Sarawak’s independence from Malaysia is starting to gather traction in rural areas, where people’s awareness of their rights used to be low.
PBK’s Tomson Ango called in for questioning by Siburan police Dec 16, 2021 @ 12:02 y Nur Ashikin Louis
KUCHING, Dec 16: Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) candidate for N26 Gedong, Tomson Ango has been called by the police’s Special Branch to Siburan Police Station at 12pm today for questioning.
是时候为您的未来和您的孩子的未来 #投票 了。您还忍心继续看到,兄弟姐妹有好成绩因为种族歧视政策,继续如弃婴被弃在政府大学门外吗?还要继续为子孙 #卖房卖地 拱他们入私立大学吗?
Please share this information with your friends and relative and inform them to watch live presentation at
肯雅兰全民党(#PBK)得到百姓的良好支持,而受到我们的政敌提出了各种莫须有的罪,来指责肯雅兰全民党( PBK )并趁机抹黑我们的“使命护照”内容是意料中之事。
Opponents' defamation of Parti Bumi Kenyalang and smear of our Mission Passport contents are expected in view of strong support from Sarawak people.
Letters of Authority (Watiqah) have been issued by Parti Bumi Kenyalang to the following bumiputera comrades to contest in the following constituencies in South Zone area.
Leighton anak Manjah
N60 (Kakus) Philip kelanang; N67 (Jepak) Stevenson anak Joseph sumbang; N68 (Tajong Batu) Yek Hock Siang (Andy) 叶赋轩; N69 (Kemena) coming soon; N70 (Samalaju) Leighton Manjah
The party will release the names of all candidates for this coming 12th Sarawak Elections in stages at appropriate times. Official announcement of the names of the confirmed candidates shall be made by the president, Secretary-general and authorised officials of the party only.
Deputy President Peli Anak Aron, who is Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) Candidate for N.32 SIMANGGANG, said that the party has become a strong contender to form the next Sarawak government. The party has strong strategies in winning the PRN 12.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang’s Tresurer’s General Jamie Tiew Yen Houng believes that without the participation of women, democratic politics is more than just empty talk, and women’s rights in a political circle led by male protagonists will only be reduced to decoration. For example, in Malaysia, remarks that insult women are incredible, and even happened in parliament.
Tetamu khas Eric Ngieng Sheng Chung akan berkongsi dengan Sarawak tentang topic “Sarawak Merdekalah!”
Our Live Broadcast on 6-11-2021, Saturday, 8:00pm
To prohibit house-to-house campaign and to prohibit visit to longhouses, to ban public assembly and talk is against the constitutional right to freedom of speech and expression under Article 10 of the federal constitution.
The GPS government's intention as reported in the press by DCM Douglas Uggah, to recruit 3,000 Bangladeshi to work in plantations and in other sectors should be opposed by Sarawakians - Please see Dayak Daily 7 October 2021.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is serious to capture the Sarawak government in the coming 12th Sarawak Election. We believe that Sarawak should be set free and independent after 58 years in Malaysia.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
Download PBK Passport
(for reference only)