(DayakDaily - KUCHING, May 25) The Kuching High Court today struck out a lawsuit filed by 11 Sarawakians seeking to invalidate the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).Judicial Commissioner Alexander Siew How Wai, in delivering his judgement, deemed the subject matter “unsustainable”, apart from pointing out that the 11 Sarawakians have no loci standi in bringing up the case.
The MA63 suit filed in court is utmost important to determine the future of Sabah and Sarawak. If the MA63 is declared null and void or could be invalidated due to willful breaches, the federation could be dissolved. But the political will of the GPS government is to see Sarawak stay in Malaysia.
婆罗洲邮报 06.04.2021 曾叙述: "这标志着殖民统治的结束,因此,砂拉越作为一个自治国家的诞生,直到马来西亚的形成。" 这是《婆罗洲邮报》作者的错误陈述,肯雅兰全民党的同志和支持者不应受此影响。
The delivery of the decision on MA63 suit filed by 11 plaintiffs against the goverment of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak seeking the court to declare the Malaysia Agreement 1963 as an invalid agreement has been deferred to 25 May 2023 at 0900hrs (tentatively subject to confirmation).
Justice Alexander Siew will deliver decision on MA63 Suit tomorrow 5 May 2023 at 0900hrs in High Court Kuching. This is a Suit filed by 11 Sarawakians seeking inter alia the court to declare MA63 as null and void. Even if valid but due to fundamental breaches or past over 50 years, the Malaysia Agreement is void.
砂拉越人和沙巴人需要了解司法专员亚历山大·萧所面临的重大责任,涉及 11 名原告对英国、马来西亚和砂拉越政府提起的诉讼,要求法院宣布 1963 年马来西亚协议(MA63)为 无效协议。
KUCHING (May 6): Sarawakians and Sabahans need to understand the heavy responsibility that Judicial Commissioner Alexander Siew is facing with regard to the suit filed by 11 plaintiffs against the governments of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak seeking the court to declare the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) as an invalid agreement.
KUCHING (May 6): Sarawakians and Sabahans need to understand the heavy responsibility that Judicial Commissioner Alexander Siew is facing with regard to the suit filed by 11 plaintiffs against the governments of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak seeking the court to declare the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) as an invalid agreement.
拿督哈伦也因腐败案被定罪,当时他再次将穆罕默德阿里带到马来西亚参加拳击比赛乔布格纳。 组织这场比赛是为了为巫统筹集资金。无论专家组成员的建议如何,国王都有赦免的自由裁量权,他独自决定。 这不是集体决定。
This is not an agenda in MA63. After Malaysia was formed, Malaya quickly imposed this on Sabah and Sarawak. The first step was to ensure the governor is a Muslim. Later on it was the chief minister's and state secretary's posts followed by most top posts in the administration. Given the present political scenario, it is difficult to reverse this. This is because we had allowed it to happen and had failed to protect our own rights and interests.
Dato Harun was also convicted for a corruption case when he brought in Mohammad Ali to Malaysia for the boxing event again Joe Bugner. The fight was organised to raise fund for UMNO.
Prime minister had announced that if Aidilfitri falls on Saturday, the additional public holiday will be fixed for Friday, while the Raya public holiday falls on Monday. This is good news for working people, but, if one thinks carefully, this is not good news to working people, if there are too many leave and holidays in the country. This is because leave and holidays can affect the economy and cause inflation.
In a joint NGO statement, Daniel Jambun President of the Borneo’s Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) and Robert Pei, President of Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ), have praised Armizan Ali, the Sabah and Sarawak Affairs Minister for his statement on the belated implementation of MA63 reported by Free Malaysia Today on 11 April 2023.
A person’s race is not a choice by man, but, by God. If God chose you be born a Malay, then, you should be proud to be a Malay, but you could not force or tell others to change their race. Likewise, if you are born an Indian, then, you should be proud to be an Indian. The same also goes to all people because a person’s race is not a choice by man but by God.
Despite public protests, there are still cases lately that government departments are still chasing away members of public who came to seek their help or service. Government departments should not impose dress code against members of the public, but, dress code, could perhaps, be imposed on government servants by heads of departments. The reason is government servants are under their control, but, not the public.
When times are bad, unscrupulous people always find ways to survive and make money. These people set up companies and being registered under the Companies Act and licences obtained from other government agencies, their business looks genuine. Some acted like banks, giving investors or participants high returns for moneys they invested with these companies.
Sixty years under the control of Malaya in Malaysia should be more than enough for Sabahans and Sarawakians to understand that the federal government, which is controlled by Malaya, is only interested to take care of Malaya but not so much about Sabah and Sarawak. It is only after much noise made by citizens in Sabah and Sarawak that some voices of Sabahans and Sarawakians were heard.
Government should be blamed for people’s health, not lifestyle. Health of persons is affected by physical, socio-economic, cultural and political factors. It is generally accepted that the socio-economic factors – especially education and income – are the most important determinant of population health status. Poor people with limited education generally have poor health. People with poor education normally will have problems to get proper job with stable income to help them to maintain their health. They simply could not get good and nutritious food to take care of their bodies. Had the government realize this?
With a national debt of over RM1 trillion and a country riddled by massive corruption for decades and an ailing economy, it is not an easy task for the prime minister and his cabinet to clear the mess created by past administrations. The issues of high profile criminals who are still at large, the forced disappearance of activists including preachers, discrimination of minorities, the politicisation of race and religion which created much racial and religious tensions are also areas that the current government under the premiership of Dato Seri Anwar Sri Anwar has to tackle.
The government is urged to look into ways on how to control prices of goods and essential services from going up. Prices of food and drinks went up after Ukarine war broke out on 24 February 2022. The sharp increase was felt during Chinese New Year. Some coffee shops charged a small glass of hot water as much as RM1.00 while a bowl of kolo mee, with same normal portion, with an increase of as much as RM0.80 sen per bowl just before Chinese New year.
The budget for Sarawak is increased about RM1 billion from previous budgets but Sarawak government should not be happy with the increment because Sarawakians are not happy. Sarawak had contributed much to the revenues of the federal government not only from oil and gas resources but also from taxes collected by government departments.
What had Dato Sri Fadillah Yusuf done so far concerning the implementation of the terms and conditions of the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63) despite the fact the orders had been given by the honourable prime minster Dato Sri Anwar Ibrahim to him in this task? The prime minister had given him one month to fulfill all terms and conditions therein but things had not been moving well to the expectation of the people. Sabahan and Sarawakians have a right to demand a report from him of actions taken by him.
The federal Transport Minister’s idea of no more display of road tax stickers on private vehicles may save lots of money for the government. The government would eventually no need to issue the road tax stickers but only receipts for payment made to motor vehicle owners. But such a policy is not helping the people to alleviate their financial problems and neither the policy will help the business of the automobile industry.
The honourable prime minister, Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim had given a free hand to DPM Dato Seri Fadillah Yusuf to implement all conditions and terms in the Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63) within one month of the instructions given.
Sarawakian public don't feel proud and happy of the proposed 99 feet tall flagpole that would be erected near or at the vicinity of Fort Margherita in Kuching although it is said the construction of this RM30 millon flagpole comes from a private sector.
The Kingdom of Sarawak was founded by Sir James Brooke and the Rajah never discriminated or classified people born in Sarawak as natives and non- natives. It was the Rajah Order 1920 that all natural born Sarawakians were natives and Sarawak government should maintain this.
沙巴人和砂拉越人必须审查政治家的声明,以及当副首相拿督斯里扎希声明时表示砂拉越和沙巴现在被赋予邦Region地位,不再被视为马来西亚的州 - 见 World of Buzz,2023 年 1 月 13 日。他們必须让沙巴人和砂拉越人知道,沙巴和砂拉越曾经是与马来亚互不相干毫無關係的国家,但却被卷入英国为保护其在该地区的利益而设计之新殖民主义所造成的后果。英国同时策划的新殖民主义也否絕沙巴和砂拉越根据联合国大会第1514号决议获得独立的权力,並通过1963年7月9日签署的1963年马来西亚协议将沙巴,砂拉越和新加坡交给马来亚。声称砂拉越通过加入马来亚联邦成立马来西亚联邦而独立,这在法律上具有误导性。因为根据国际法,一个国家不可能在另一个国家之內独立。
在研究 MA 63 下的权利之前,最重要的是沙巴和砂拉越的联邦政府和政府都需要确定马来西亚联邦成立的合法性。 所有事情都必须从根本上进行审查,包括条约 MA63 的合法性。 GPS 政府应该向公众披露他们在伦敦发现的有关 MA63 的事情。
Before looking at the rights under MA 63 it is utmost important that both the federal and governments of Sabah and Sarawak need to determine the legality of the formation of the federation of Malaysia. All things must be examined from the roots including the legality of the Treaty, MA63. The GPS government should disclose to the public what they had found in London about the matters concerning MA63.
Sabahans and Sarawakians have to examine statements made politicians and also a recent statement made by DPM Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi when they said Sabah and Sarawak are now accorded the status of regions and no more regarded as states in Malaysia – see World of Buzz January 13, 2023. It has to be made known to Sabahans and Sarawakians that Sabah and Sarawak were once countries independent from Malaya but was as a result of neo-colonialism engineered by the British to protect its interest in this region which at the same time engineered by the British to deny the rights of Sabah and Sarawak to gain independence by procedures laid down under the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514.
Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) an international NGO based in Australia, has asked whether PM Anwar Ibrahim’s directive for the immediate “implementation” of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) was just a political stunt as it is impossible to immediately reinstate or implement many MA63 foundational terms and rights especially devolution of administrative powers and autonomy status, which have been removed since 1965. The Sarawak GPS and Sabah GRS governments have already pointed out this problem to the Prime Minister.
History told us wars are not good as wars can have bad effect on the economy. The year 2023 will likely be gloomy if the war in Ukarine will not end soon. World leaders need to find solutions to stop the war in Ukarine. We have seen that prices of goods and services went up sharply when the war broke up.
Int'l NGO calls PM to repeal laws that allegedly eroded Sarawak's MA63 rights . Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) an international NGO based in Australia, commented on PM Anwar Ibrahim’s statement on Malaysia's commitment to and solidarity with the Palestinian people’s “struggle to free Palestine from the grip of Zionist Israel” made in a press conference on 20 Dec 2022.
SSRANZ 呼吁 PM ANWAR IBRAHIM 审查 SABAH SARAWAK 在马来西亚的地位,这类似于巴勒斯坦问题。Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) 是一家总部设在澳大利亚的国际非政府组织,它评论了安瓦尔·易卜拉欣首相在 2022 年 12 月 20 日的新闻发布会上关于马来西亚承诺并声援巴勒斯坦人民“为使巴勒斯坦摆脱犹太复国主义以色列的控制而进行的斗争”的声明。
The quit rent for land and landed or commercial properties to be increased effective from 1 January 2023 is not justified at present economic situation. Businesses are yet to pick up caused by Covid-19. The GPS government should consider that many businesses had closed down during the Covid-19 pandemic and citizens are struggling and have weak purchasing power to turn the economy around.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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