2021马来西亚财政预算 支出:3225亿(行政 73.4%,发展 21.4% ) 收入:在砂拉越和沙巴的天然资源及各种税收巨额输血之下,预算收入只有2457亿 不敷:赤字高达768亿 国债:再增加750亿,达1万2千64亿, 占國內生產毛額53.6%,在2021年将高达13,390亿元马币。马哈迪评论说:政府债务会达1.3兆令吉。我们怎么还? 一句话: 这份 《2021马来西亚联邦政府财政预算案》,把本来开销要大,行政费要小,搞到完全本末颠倒 ,还不公不义 ,这简直是一份不公不义 祸延子孙的2021财政预算案。
有史以来最高开销的预算案。3千2百25亿 主要目的是
1) 解决人民最重要的问题和福祉。
2) 让企业能够继续生存下去。(商业业务持续性)
3) 振兴整个经济,让整个经济更有弹性。
President Voon Lee Shan and Deputy President Rev Peli Aron visiting the burnt down longhouse in Kpg Rasau, Engkilili, sharing the pains and sufferings of the people trying to salvage whatever they can from the leftover remains.
火🔥箭领袖又来指指点点(“鸡婆”), 要知道PETROS砂拉越自己的油站的新燃料(只有砂拉越有)卖多少。在油站里设电动车充电接口,安全吗?适当吗?
有海外资料说明,电单车(motor bikes) 通常是到充电站换上已经充电好的电池。电动气车电池多能够也一样换电池吗?好像不实际吧。
When Anti Covid 19 fighters at front line taking up challenges to take care of fellow brothers and sisters irrespective of religion and race, politicians want to have Sarawak election during pandemic just to win election.
Former Prime Minister Tun Mahathir has just gotten himself into some controversy over a tweet he posted yesterday evening. In response to the recent killing of a teacher in France, Tun Mahathir had written a blog post that touches on freedom of expression and respecting the values of others.
Before discussing the issue of Sarawak’s independence, let’s ask ourselves: Am I a Sarawakian? Do we want to change foreign exploitation and the plight of more than half a century?
Under Article 150 (1) of the federal Constitution, the King may issue a Proclamation of Emergency if he is "satisfied that a grave emergency exists whereby the security, or the economic life, or public order in the Federation or any part thereof is threatened."
Deklarasi dalam penganugerahan kemerdekaan kepada negara koloni dan rakyat.
Sarawak pada dasarnya masih dalam proses untuk menjadi sebuah negara merdeka penuh.
The Borneo Post news report “Covid-19 pandemic shouldn’t deter Sarawak from holding polls soon, say analysts” (9 Oct 2020) is really amazing as the argument implied “Don’t mind Covid-19 Pandemic win the election first at all cost”.
Please share this video. Thank you! More and more rainforests are being illegally destroyed for palm oil plantations. The Mulu national park is heading towards an ecological disaster. We must act now! Sign the petition and make a donation on www.bmf.ch Read more ......
YAB Chief Minister Abg Zohari Tun Openg is put to headache as to when he wants to hold 12th Sarawak Elections. This is because Datuk Awang Tengah and him had announced many multi-million projects Many of these projects have not been completed and some not started yet. This will be campaign issues against BN/GPS.
(dayakdaily - KUCHING, July 28): Democratic Action Party (DAP) has lost no less than 30 brilliant politicians and leaders since the party entered Sarawak.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan highlighted this in responding to the sudden resignation of Padungan assemblyman Wong King Wei from DAP as well as refusal to seek re-election for Padungan seat in the next state election yesterday (July 27).
Malaysia is never a newly registered country in United Nations but a change of name from Federation of Malaya to Malaysia after using the Malaysia Agreement 1963 to place Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore as additional territories under Federation Of Malaya. Malaysia Agreement 1963 was never written into Malaysia Constitution and current constitution based on the Federation of Malaya constitutions.
马来西亚从来不是联合国的新注册国家,而是在使用1963年马来西亚协议将砂拉越,沙巴和新加坡作为马来亚联邦的附加领土之后,从马来亚联邦更名为马来西亚。 1963年《马来西亚协定》从未写入马来西亚宪法而现行宪法基于马来亚联邦的宪法。
大马政坛变天后,近期PH++也有动作,慕尤丁方面更提到闪电大选这件事。在目前的政治局势下,闪电大选是个好方法吗? 本期的百格大家讲,我们就来谈谈闪电大选的可能性,以及各政党的利弊。
To love Sarawak is to know Sarawak's past and presence. To love your children is to stop the robbing of our natural resources for future generation welfare.
Please hear what these guys are talking about. It is about oil and gas and it seems from these guys also mentioning how Sarawak gave away its oil resources and got only 5% cash payment,. It was not royalty.
It Is Important For Sarawakians To Know This Information. We strive to continue to educate the people with the right information about Sarawak.
国盟执政后,接连“清洗”多名官联公司(GLC)和机构负责人,也把希盟委任的人一一剔除。政府接着宣布,凡未受委正副部长的国盟后座议员都将掌管官联公司及机构,此举引来诸多批评。 究竟政党人士当GLC高层,正不正当?本期百格大家讲,我们邀请了嘉宾跟你聊聊这个课题
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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