Sarawak Independence, which way forward? IR (Independence Referendum) or UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence)? What are the differences and which is the best way for Sarawak?
To answer the above questions and many more regarding this, on 7- 8-2021, Saturday, 8:00pm we have invited 2 Special Guests to give us some insights on it.
砂拉越参组马来西亚58年后的今天! 我们失去了什么? 2021 年 8 月 4日,星期3,晚上 8:00,我们邀请了2位特别嘉宾为我们解答。58年后的今天! 我们失去了什么?
砂拉越独立-势在必行, 势在必行,是带着决心的。 为什么一定要独立呢?独立到底有什么好处? 难道现阶段的砂拉越不好吗? 2021 年 7 月 31日,星期6,晚上 8:00 时,我们邀请了两位特别嘉宾为我们解答: 为什么砂拉越独立-势在必行?
砂拉越独立-势在必行, 是带着决心的。为什么一定要独立呢?独立到底有什么好处? 难道现阶段的砂拉越不好吗? 2021 年 7 月 28日,我们邀请了两位特别嘉宾为我们解答。为什么砂拉越独立-势在必行?
722 是“普天同庆”的日子,有些人称它为砂拉越独立日,而另一些人则说这是砂拉越日。那到底我们该怎么为其命名? 我们在2021 年 7 月 22 日,星期四,晚上 8:00邀请 2 位特别嘉宾来为我们解说更多关于这722 的事情。
独立?砂拉越不是已经独立了吗? 什么是独立权? 到底该如何才能独立呢?17日7月2021年, 星期6,晚上8点我们邀请了2位嘉宾来帮我们解答以上的问题, 他们是来自诗巫的刘秘秀律师以及美里的陈祥业律师。
We urge all Sarawakians to be united to fight against Covid-19 and we must take the fight against Covid-19 seriously. The state government can't do much without the help and coperation of citizens.
近期有人认为"7.22"是独立日,还就此向警方报案。1963年7月22日砂拉越有独立吗? "7•22"是砂拉越独立日吗?
Recently, some people think that "7.22" is #Independence Day, and they have reported the incident to the #police. Did Sarawak have independence on July 22, 1963? Is "July 22" Sarawak Independence Day?
From the Cobbold Commission to the signing of the Malaysia Agreement that formed Malaysia and to the gazetting of 722 as a public holiday known as Sarawak Independence Day, is Sarawak an independent nation recognised internationally?
砂拉越人民质疑一个1963年《马来西亚协定》(Malaysia Agreement 1963) 的有效性,理由是该协定是由一个独立国家(马来亚联邦)和两个英国殖民地即沙巴和砂拉越签署的,并且由于这三个签署者的地位不平等,依照联合国的裁决的第1514和1541案列,使得该协定无效。
Sarawak people has questioned the validity of Malaysia Agreement 1963 citing the agreement signed by an independent country (Federation of Malaya) and two colonies of Britain namely Sabah and Sarawak and because of the inequality in status of these three parties making the agreement null and void according to united nations rulings.
Sarawak is a land of plenty and yet Sarawak People’s suffering never end. Sarawak native continues to lose their ancestor’s land to the authority’s new rulings and corporate company’s greed.
"7.22" is coming soon. Is 7.22 Independence Day? Is Sarawak really independent on this day? "7.22 Independence Day" is a statutory holiday announced in the Sarawak Government Gazette. The name is Sarawak Day.
My child, where are you?
Do you not hear the calls of your mother?
Do you not hear the cries of your mother?
Why does our country lose its color in sorrow?
Why is our home so empty without our children?
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is with Sarawak people and having an achievable mission : IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE
For the better future of Sarawak, we urge Sarawakian to work with us and support us in the coming election.
Where and how Sarawak lost its natural resources and rights? Parti Bumi Kenyalang is with Sarawak people and having an achievable mission : IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE
Awang Badele is the parti Bumi Kenyalang candidate for constituency N08 Satok and he is a humble and capable person supported by Sarawakian of all walks of life.
" 7.22" 就要到了。 7.22 这一天是独立日吗?砂拉越在这一天真的是独立了吗? "7. 22独立日"是在《砂拉越政府宪报》里公布的一个法定假期,名称是:
so we got hold of that person's contact to confirm it. So not only they say yes, but they mentioned another family that they know also needs it.
If we want to have an effective government to fight in all crisis we need to fire the ministers and those involved in the failing to do their job well. At least, they should be removed to some other posts. This was what Lee Kuan Yew did for Singapore.
1963年7月9日,58年前的今天,在英国和马来亚的策划下,新加坡,沙巴和砂拉越的代表赴伦敦,签署了1963年马来西亚契约(简称MA63 )。
At no time it was agreed that Sarawak should be made a colony of Malaya.
Chagos island case, UN International Court of Justice determined on 25-2-2019 that the international law on treaty making provides that only sovereign independent states can make treaties and colonies (who are non self governing territories) are not sovereign independent states with power to make such treaty with independent states.
On 28 Apri 2021 Malay Mail reported Sarawak Deputy #Chief #Minister Tan Sri Dr. James #Masing stated that
All YBS in Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) took oath to protect the Sarawak Constitution and by their oath, they are to protect the constitution and by protecting the constitution means they should not let outsiders to interfere with what is in the constitution.
It’s been almost 15 months since the Malaysian Government imposed the 1st of many Movement Control Orders. Citizens have been cooperative and have waited patiently for the day when life can return to some sort of normalcy.
In response to press Statement by Speaker of DUN. Speaker did not give a clear clarification of Article 21(3) Sarawak Constitution in his press Statement. Under Article 21(3) life of DUN was for five years and expires today 6 June 2021.
Malaysia was formed on the understanding that Sarawak will be treated as equal partner, with equal status and opportunities with the Federation of Malaya. At no time it was agreed that Sarawak should be made a colony of Malaya.
VP. Peter Asut selaku calon N81 Ba' Kelalan menyampaikan Ucapan sempena Pesta Lun Bawang @ Aco Irau Lun Bawang pada 2021 kepada masyarakat lun bawang di kawasan sekitar Ba' Kelalan dan Lawas. Apapun kita tetap merayakannya dalam keadaan norma baru disebakan pandemic Covid19 yang telah melanda secara menyeluruh di dunia.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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