她说,美发沙龙,按摩院,美容院,照相馆,金匠,汽车销售,保险办公室等业务,以及属于“非至关重要的”服务类别的其他行业,在过去一年中被勒令不准营业。 所有行业,无论开业与否,他们每月都得负责员工薪水,店铺租金和其他费用。
People have been talking about dams and renewable energy to give us long term incomes but compared with marine wealth, oil and gas that we have, dams are not necessary for Sarawak. We don't need many dams. What we need is to exploit our wealth in the seas.
The Kuching High Court dismissed the originating summons filed by me to set aside Chief Justice of Sabah and Sarawak (CJSS) Datuk Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim's order to admit former CJSS David Wong Dak Wah as an advocate in Sarawak.
(Click on picture to read in original size)
Where is our Oil & Gas money? Where are all the taxes collected in Sarawak? Yes our CM said it, 'The money is in PutraJaya'. That is why after 58 years you can still see dilapidated wooden bridges in Ba'Kelalan and all over rural Sarawak. Sarawakians deserve better (25-4-2021)
Ges Barundang, PBK's potential candidate for Layar visiting 16 longhouses in the Layar constituency. He and his team held discussions with the people and the Tuai Rumah, giving them leaflets and calendars. It was a fruitful trip. (26-4-2021)
Raymond Thong, Director of Political Affairs, Southern Zone and potential candidate for N9 Padungan, together with Patrick Teo, potential candidate for N10 Pending and Wesley Kho, our Padungan campaign team assistant at the Petanak Central Market to distribute face masks and leaflets (1-5-2021)
Atet Dego, potential candidate for N17 Stakan, assisted by Vice President Peter Asut and team at Premier Food Republic and the Bandar Riyal Wet Market, Samarindah, Jln Dato Mohd Musa to distribute face masks and leaflets (1-5-2021)
April 27th The Edge Malaysia reported “An additional RM2 billion to RM5 billion allocation for the National Covid-19 Immunisation Programme is needed after various factors were considered, including increased costs to procure the Covid-19 vaccine and the costs to administer the programme, said programme Coordinating Minister Khairy Jamaluddin.”
KUCHING, April 3: Sarawak should now gear herself up towards self-determination or the Independence of Sarawak in its real sense, since the long 58 years of partnership in the Federation of Malaysia is not bringing much benefit to Sarawak and Sarawakians. Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) member Egi Bangan King said this, emphasising that Sarawak and Sabah being termed a “fixed deposit” for the Peninsula and a “cash cow” when it comes to contribution to the nation’s coffer, was a matter of public knowledge.
KUCHING, April 26: PBK president Voon Lee Shan questions on what legal basis was he called by the police to give a statement recently. Voon in a press statement today asserted his political activities are landing him in trouble with the police. He revealed he was called by the authorities to make a statement on which he assumed is about Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK)’s mission to seek Sarawak’s independence from the federation of Malaysia.
Sarawak ruling parties alliance GPS proposed the restoration of Sarawak state status to negara (but Malaysia Prime Minister interpreted as wilayah) status and the amendment of the Malaysian Federal Constitution 1(2) and 160(2); there is no mention of returning of ownership of natural gas, oil and minerals, territories, territorial waters, including continental shelf to Sarawak.
KUCHING, April 25: PBK president Voon Lee Shan says he put a RM50 million penalty on himself if he were to leave the party as he is committed to seeing Sarawak achieve independence. “I won’t mind disclosing to the public that I had been approached last year to jump ship and to dissolve the party.
Is there a Referendum Act or Ordinance? If there is no such Referendum Act, isn’t it necessary to table and pass the Act in the parliament or DUN first?
Fellow Sarawakians,
The present BN/GPS government has to be voted out of office for continuing to misrepresent and mislead Sarawakians to believe in that Sarawak had gained full independence on 16 September 1963 as stated in the Sarawak government official portal.
从要复邦到提议要修改马来亚联邦宪法1(2) 和160(2) 至今没有提到把天然气石油与矿物,领土,海域包括海里的领土的拥有权争取回来。
How do we become an independent nation? According to international practice, the following measures and conditions are necessary to achieving independence:
砂拉越不要"州 Negeri ","Wilayah " 更不能要,我们要的是 有邦国地位的Nation ! 4月1日媒体讯息: 首相慕尤丁今日在古晋《繁荣共享》活动中说,砂拉越及沙巴是“邦”,而不是“州”(是‘Wilayah’或‘Region’) 慕尤丁不是华人,没有用华语发言,他只是说砂拉越和沙巴是Wilayah。 把Wilayah 翻译成"邦",就说他要给砂拉越复邦,是具有误导性的。
SIBU, April 9: The people of the State are against the proposal to recognise Sarawak as a Wilayah (region) when, in fact, it is a country on its own. Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president, Voon Lee Shan said that as the Malaysia Agreement 1963 is an international agreement that superceded the Federal Constitution, the Malaysian Parliament could not amend it to reduce the status of Sabah and Sarawak as a country to a state.
Dayak Daily - By Adrian Lim - KUCHING, April 6 )Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) is gearing up to capture 51 seats mostly made up of the Dayak community in the suburbs and rural areas in the 12th State Election (PRN12). PBK Dayak chairman Kenneth Adan Silek said the Dayak community made up the largest ethnic group in Sarawak and their unity will be crucial for the party to win and potentially form the next state government.
17.09. 1957 is the Federation of Malaya (Federation of Malaya) registered in the United Nations as a member, not Malaysia. The territories of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak were included in the territory of the Federation of Malaya and Federation of Malaya was renamed Malaysia at the United Nations on 16.09.1963.
17.09. 1957 是马来亚联邦(Federation of Malaya)在联合国注册,非马来西亚。新加坡,沙巴,砂拉越领土被列入马来亚联邦版图后在16.09.1963 马来亚联邦在联合国改名为马来西亚。所以从来就没有一个新国家“马来西亚”注册成为联合国会员。就因为这样,马来亚联邦就是马来西亚, 马来西亚也就是说是马来亚联邦。新加坡在08.09.1965脱离马来亚联邦成为独立国家。
在宣誓和签署《肯雅兰全民党候选人协定》仪式后, 肯雅兰全民党首批21名潜在候选人合影留念。
(古晋30日讯)肯雅兰全民党的首批21名潜在候选人于昨日在古晋一家著名酒店举行了宣誓和签署《肯雅兰全民党候选人协定》的仪式。 第二批将在未来两周内在诗巫签署。
KUCHING (March 30): Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) candidates in the coming elections face a whopping eight-figure penalty if they fail to file their nomination papers or jump ship after they win, under a Candidates Agreement (CA) implemented by the party.
Their mind set is fixed. They have their priorities and personal objectives. But PBK will persevere and will pursue until fairness and justice are done and seen to be done
With reference to the upgrading of the 5 roundabout projects along Kuching-Samarahan Expressway, yes, it would alleviate the rush-hour extreme traffic congestion.
Malaysia was formed on the agreement that there should not be any official religion because our forefathers foresee possible dominance by Malayan malays over Sabah and Sarawak in religious matters. This was in the 18 and 20 Points Agreement.
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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