(余清禄 2019年5月7日)
1 希盟政府注资62亿令吉,来挽救负债累累的联土局。
2 又将设立特别用途公司(SPV)来收购朝圣基金局总值199亿令吉的表现不佳物业和股票。
3 除了通过乡区发展部拨给人民信托局MARA37亿令吉外
4 也通过教育部拨出24亿6400 万令吉予玛拉工艺大学 UiTM,
加起来约共为61亿1000 万令吉。
Have Referendum Ordinance, SUPP rep tells Sarawak assembly
KUCHING: A SUPP assemblyman has called on the Sarawak legislative assembly to consider the viability of a Referendum Ordinance on matters concerning the state’s rights and interests.
曾获批透光度低于规范轿车 须重新向陆交局提出申请
(布城7日讯) 交通部长陆兆福表示,随著今天宣布车镜透光度的新规定,近2万辆此前获批准车镜透光度低于规范的车子,都必须重新向陆路交通局提出申请,而执法单位会在3个月后展开执法行动,针对违规车辆开出300令吉罚单。
According to AG Tommy Thomas, it was the misinformation that caused the opposition to Rome. He explained how it works and it has nothing to do local crimes nor Malaysia King.
The following are links for those interested to find out more on United Nations Decolonization Process.
政盟应启动B计划 索权太慢砂人失耐性
Audrian Len Facebook Article Shared:
The 1MDB RM2.6Billion case probably has annoyed Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia may have been seen as an "accomplice" in the 1MDB case.
哎呀,55年前眼前的GPS(同样的也包括PH)议员一些还没有出世,另一些还抱着奶瓶如何反对?当时砂拉越的少数的砂拉越国会议员反对有用吗?反对了能够平安回砂拉越吗? 会不会也像沙巴一样整飞机的议员被炸死?如果各个政党的以往所做所为,就可以拿来批判今天各个政党的无辜的年轻领袖,那么行动党曾经和伊党(回教党)合作过,砂拉越的行动党还允许那么大小声指责其他党的领袖和对他们发难?
The Sun Daily on 02 MAY 2019 / 11:42 H. reported that Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali stated that "There will be no referendum on Sarawak’s position in Malaysia". “Our struggles to reclaim Sarawak’s rights must be implemented within the perimeters of the Federal Constitution, within the context of legitimate laws of Malaysia, and within the context of the country of Malaysia. This is our stand."
The right move for Sarawak - to table and pass Referendum Ordinance in DUN Sarawak. Sebastian Ting spoke on the history and the need to have referendum ordinance tabled and passed in DUN. A video attached below for your easily viewing.
By Peter Sibon
KUCHING, May 4: The recent unanimous decision by state lawmakers in passing the ministerial motion on the state government’s view on the need to amend the Federal Constitution in line with the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), including Article 1(2) and Article 160(2), has been regarded by many Sarawakians as politically and legally correct.
You see, Singapore declared UDI (Unilateral Declaration of Independence) on 31 Aug 1963, which was not recognised by Britain and Malaya. For a British colony to have its independence restored, the British Parliament must pass the independence act for the colony.
KOTA KINABALU: A political activist and adviser to the Sabah government on the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) wants Putrajaya to officially declare the amount of money it owes Sabah under Schedule 10 of the Federal Constitution.
Suara rakyat Sarawak Yesterday at 3:51 PM ·
"Jadi tidak payahlah oleh sebab sekarang jadi kerajaan, tidak payah hendak mengatakan kerajaan dahulu tidak baik"
AMAT luar biasa itulah ayat yang mampu menggambarkan semangat kenyalang yang meresap di sidang mesyuarat Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak pada kali ini. Boleh dikatakan hampir setiap hari sidang mesyuarat begitu “panas” dengan perdebatan daripada para ADUN GPS dan juga PH. Selain membawa isu-isu mutakhir di kawasan masing-masing, para ADUN juga setakat ini memberikan pandangan masing-masing tentang apa yang berlaku sekarang.
Same issue during BN Government era it was a BIG issue and now under PH government same old story is no longer an issue and challenge is dropped and issue forgotten.
对希望联盟的期望已经变成大失望。竞选宣言就以“竞选宣言不是圣经”把它不当一回事。是选民太好骗还是人民愚昧?海外大马影片导演也对大学以90:10 土著:非土著比例来接受学生而不是以成绩为标准,表示不满,
Robert Lau Hui Yew gave a good summary to the debate in DUN Sarawak as follows:
The difference between the Sarawak of today and that of 1976 is that the people of Sarawak now has awaken.
Sarawak today is much more aware of what are the rights due to Sarawak under the MA63 and the IGC Report than when Malaysia was formed 56 years ago. That critical part of our country's history was and continue not to be taught in our schools.
To some, PH Sarawak debate in DUN was more of a face saving act owing to failed and questionable intention to amend Malaysia Federal Constitution with no real sign of regain equal partnership through the failed amendment attempt. Nevertheless, it is good to see all in DUN said "Yes" in one voice to the tabled motions/proposal. Such unity is essential for the betterment of Sarawak.
Third of five videos summarising the presentations during the Kuching Forum (27/04/2014). Permission is required from the authors of these papers presented at the public forum on Malaysia Agreement held in Kuching on 27 April 2014 organized by SAPA and BHF.
First of five videos summarising the presentations during the Kuching Forum (27/04/2014). Permission is required from the authors of these papers presented at the public forum on Malaysia Agreement held in Kuching on 27 April 2014 organized by SAPA and BHF.
作者 : 何俐萍 文章来源 : 星洲日报 2019-04-27
读后感。不吐不快。不想憋在心里。砂沙高庭主簿署为什么一定要搬迁到沙巴。要搬迁连首长也蒙在鼓里。完全没把砂首长看在眼里。马来亚霸权还是那么横行霸道。 这一点是足够让90%的砂民愤怒。这是从无限不公平,不公正对待后,何俐萍(东马区副执行篇辑)对这事件谈公平,是否太离谱了? 是否马来亚为中心,思维和倾向的心太重了? 那些行政署在马来亚也50多年了,为何不搬来砂国,以表示公平这水准。
The last of five videos summarising the presentations during the Kuching Forum (27/04/2014). Permission is required from the authors of these papers presented at the public forum on Malaysia Agreement held in Kuching on 27 April 2014 organized by SAPA and BHF.
By Nancy Nais KUCHING, April 29:
Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspirations (Sapa) president Dominique Ng said if Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is not a law, then it is not applicable nor binding on its components. Speaking at the ‘Should Sarawakians Support the Amendment to Federal Constitution Article 1(2) Bill as tabled on April 9, 2019, in light of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63)?’ forum yesterday, Ng said according to Malayan constitutional law expert Datuk Dr Shad Saleem Faruqi, the MA63 is not a law. “If Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) is not a law, then what is Sarawak doing in Malaysia?” Ng asked.
The difference between the Sarawak of today and that of 1976 is that the people of Sarawak now has awaken.
Sarawak today is much nore aware of what are the rights due to Sarawak under the MA63 and the IGC Report than when Malaysia was formed 56 years ago. That critical part of our country's history was and continue not to be taught in our schools.
Kuota hanya 10% kepada pelajar bukan Bumiputera di 15 pusat matrikulasi seluruh negara tidak adil kerana pusat itu ditanggung oleh wang pembayar cukai.
Nancy Shukri fb:
Mungkin ada betul tuduhan saudara Vincent Wong ini. Saya merenung dan terfikir, apakah yang saya "tidak deliver" sebagaimana dituduh Saudara Vincent Wong. Mungkin, ada juga benda yang saya tidak lakukan atau tidak "deliver".