对非土著的教育政策又像前朝"国阵"。"新马来西亚"? 怎么了? 要做个"好政府"呀!切记。。
An article by Voon Lee Shan,
former State Assemblyman for Batu Lintang and Legal Advisor for Parti Bumi Kenyalang
The words used by Dr Yii, MP for Bandar Kuching, "It is basically a proposal to get feedback from the Bar's members and it's associates" to me, seems to indicate that this is a job from the federal government.
PH government is no longer people friendly government but tax collectors?
It seems to be the case when their eyes only focus on how to squeeze an extra Ringgit out of Malaysian citizen.
Rakyat Sarawak telah mengalami sekali pertikaian dan telah mencapai persafahaman untuk memastikan kepentingan dan kebaikan Sarawak dipertahankan maka menyeru Kerajaan Sarawak ambil tindakan menggesa pihak professional seperti Persatuan peguam Sarawak, pertubuhan swasta dan pihak parti-parti politik di Sarawak sumbangkan cadangan mereka. Kami rakyat Sarawak menyeru dan menggesa Kerajaan Sarawak akan boleh bertindak:-
“It won’t be a celebration, more of a reflection.”
That is how a senior member of Malaysia’s government described the televised speech Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad is expected to deliver on May 9, the first anniversary of the Pakatan Harapan coalition’s stunning election win.
据报章讯息 ,4月29日至5月9日召开的砂拉越立法议会,并无提呈任何关于修宪的法案! 这对期盼砂立法议会能及时对下一步修宪如何走做出及时说明的砂拉越人民而言,的确是对此深感失望。
普遍砂拉越人民对近期联邦希盟政府为践行执政宣言里昭告天下要还回砂沙主权和平等邦国地位的承诺,而进行的国会第一轮修宪 失败感到惋惜。但也认为是一个好的开始。
Video that correctly introducing Sabah and Sarawak as countries. Some young PH Sarawak leaders said "Sarawak a country" is a fairytale not knowing the history or only knowing the distorted history is a sad thing.
Before Rakyat put him in minister post he talked with no fear and with principle. Sadly after becoming minister he would not talk like this anymore. What is happening to him? He is a Sarawakian and yet he no longer dares to champion Sarawak's interest and rights. Disappointed by such drastic change of attitude and behavior. Is he still anak Sarawak?
聯合國大會第一五四一(十五)號決議(United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV))是联合国大会于1960年12月15日所通過的联合国会员国确定是否负有义务递送联合国宪章第七十三条(辰)款规定的情报所应遵循的原则。
The former Chief Minister of Sabah, Tun Fuad Stephen had this to say in 1962: My people feel that if North Borneo joins Malaya now as a State, it would infact meant that North Borneo would become not a State but a Colony of the Federation of Malaya. As I have said before, the fears are genuine. Not actually or suspicion of the sincerity to take on as equal partner but more the fear that by virtue of our status as a British Colony we would automatically become a second class State or a Colony of Malaya.
温利山说﹕砂政府只要求在联邦宪法第1(2)条文修改上增加6个字眼﹐即“Pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement 1963”(根据1963年马来西亚契约)。但是﹐希盟政府却拒绝这么做。刘伟强说加入该6个字眼将使该条文更复杂。温利山﹕但是﹐希盟政府没有向公众解释它如何使该条文更复杂。希盟政府有义务向人民解释。新加坡于1965年在沙、砂不知情及允许的情况下退出。也许这就是联邦政府拒绝在联邦宪法第1(2)条文修改中加入该6个字眼的原因。
赖耀松 : 根据联邦宪法121项(4)条文阐明,决定沙巴和砂拉越高等法院主簿署的地点,要由最高元首御淮,惟必须事先是获得首相建议下批准。而后者(首相)也必须要咨询沙巴和砂拉越的首席部长的同意,以及高庭大法官(Chief Judge)的同意。从刘伟强今天发表的文告很明显,首相之前并没有向尤其是寻求砂拉越首席部长的同意。这已是违宪做法。身为律师更要比普通人更遵重法律和国家宪法,绝对不能把国家法律玩弄于股掌。
Malaysia Agreement 1963 Survey
Do you know the Malaysia Agreement 1963 in detail? * 您知道1963年马来西亚契约的详细内容吗?
Do you think the recent Federal Government actions is sincere to amend the Federal Constitution to restore equal partner status to Sabah & Sarawak? * ......
2)联邦政府可以随手抛出4百多亿去落实马来亚的工程计划,而砂的年发展拨款才40亿, 说好的10亿修残校以抵債方式落实, 财长林冠英却横刀 - 挡 -不准, 把小学生当政治筹码; 砂高速公路龟速的工程进展,搞的乱七八糟; 不少利民工程被希盟砍掉 ;摆明在处处勺难砂人民,剥夺砂人权益迫使砂人就范,悲哀。
国际法庭重审国际法规则~~~只有独立的主权国家才有权制定(国际)条约。作者是Joe Fernandez在2019年4月15日发表一篇具有影响力的文章。他是一个具有行政管理学荣誉学位,主修经济,也完成法律学位,现在在吉隆坡、沙巴和砂拉越教学英语。作者是一个长期关注婆罗洲、勤于研究马来亚的历史与法律。鉴于马来西亚从脱胎就是一个残缺不全的婴孩。修宪已经不能修补残缺不全的马来西亚计划,也帮不上沙巴和砂拉越走向自治独立之路。英国或者马来西亚联邦政府也不会出面协助。作者Joe Fernandez的文章强烈地提示沙、砂的人民需改变自己的思维,再不要固守在修改联邦宪法条文上兜圈子。应该走出去,走自己的路,寻求联合国的协助~~~向国际法院申诉沙巴和砂拉越人民寻求自治独立的困境。
Malaysia Agreement 1963 is supposed to sign Sabah, Singapore, Sarawak and federation of Malaya into a new country called Malaysia. Malaysian believe that is fact .
憲法第160(2)條文 - “the Federation” means the Federation established under the Federation of Malaya Agreement 1957; 請注意,第1(1)條文的 The Federation,是指1963年成立的馬來西亞。而第160(2)條文的 the Federation,詮釋的是根據1957年獨立的馬來亞聯合邦。根據第160(2)條文的詮釋,砂若接受這次2019年的憲法修正案,就是認同整個聯邦憲法裏面所提到的‘聯邦’是根據1957年的馬來亞聯合邦的定義來詮釋。1957年砂朥越和馬來亞之间是沒有任何關係的兩個國家。
砂土保党 拿督依德利斯布昂声言,被拒绝的2019年修宪法案在措辞和实质方面缺乏必要的成分,以便赋予宪法的意义,即按照1963年马来西亚协议、政府级委员报告和科博委员会报告给予砂平等伙伴的地位。他指出,修宪法案中没有提及沙砂和马来亚是“平等伙伴”,而且也没有提及MA1963。另一个,是“联邦宪法”第160条对“联邦”的解释,现在仅仅是指“根据1957年马来亚联邦协定的联邦”,遗漏了砂、沙在1963年马来西亚协议下赋予的与马来亚的平等地位。他说,自1963年以来,“联邦”的解释出现了异常,这表明即使是1963年版本的第1(2)条也没有适当反映1963年马来西亚协议的精神。
(吉隆坡8日讯) 財政部今日提呈《2019年离境税法案》,並阐明任何离开大马的人士(不论国籍)都必须缴付离境税,牴触法令者將被罚款不超过50万令吉,或监禁不超过3年,或两者兼施。
(美里24日讯)砂希盟主席张健仁说 ,希盟已指示所有希盟国会议员必须出席4月8日及9日的国会下议院会议,寻求通过修改联邦宪法第1(2)条文法案。记者问 ,张部长是否已看到有关修宪法案内容。张部长表示没有,而只会在下议院提呈及寻求首读通过后,才会看到相关内容。
The political maneuver setting the trap for Sabah and Sarawak ministers of Parliament to fall in?
Surely anyone can see that the proposed amendment bill gives no changes to Federal Constitution and it merely restructuring the sentence.
In 1963, the federation of Malaysia was formed by 4 different Territories, namely the federation of Malaya (consisting of 11 states), the State of Sarawak, the State of North Borneo and the State of Singapore. These were the 4 signatories to the Agreement in 1963. The other signatory was United Kingdom, acting as the colonial master of the States of Sarawak, North Borneo and Singapore.
What a confusing explanation.
Why not say what is the hope of the People of Sarawak and Sabah?
It is not even just our hope. It is our legal rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
Amendment to Federal Constitution of Malaysia to restore Sabah and Sarawak to equal partners status with Malaya and the amendment is just restructuring the sentence without changing the meaning or the existing status of Sabah and Sarawak against the wishes of Sabah and Sarawak people. This is clearly a political scam.
KUALA LUMPUR, April 4 — The government is allocating RM13.2 billion this year to less developed states namely Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan, Terengganu, Kedah and Perlis under the Fourth Rolling Plan of the 11th Malaysia Plan (RMK-11), in an effort to close the economic gap between states.
由Voon Lee Shan温利山
Batu Lintang前州议员和肯雅兰党法律顾问。
砂政盟认为, 任何涉及砂拉越的修正法案在国会下议员提呈之前,都必须先带入砂拉越州立法议会,因为对砂拉越而言,更重要的是透过更完整的修正案将砂拉越应有的权益归还予砂拉越人民,而不只是片面的把砂拉越的地位改为“伙伴”。
砂公正党婆罗洲高原区国会议员威利莫因直言﹐联邦宪法第1(2)条文的修宪法案用词不是很令人满意﹐所以他就认为﹐有关法案的用词可以被改进﹐而砂拉越应及沙巴应该被列为砂拉越国(Negara Sarawak)及沙巴国(Negara Sabah)﹐并且不应该只是联邦州属之一。威利莫因今日以文告方式﹐针对联邦首相署部长拿督刘伟强今日在国会中提呈2019年联邦宪法(修正)法案一事﹐向《婆罗洲马来邮报》如是表示。他说﹐其本身对联邦宪法第1(2)条文的修宪法案用词不是很满意﹐他认为说﹐有关用词可以被改进。