Dear Mr. Prime Minister, 

We acknowledge that Petronas is a national company. However, while it is de jure a Malaysian company, essentially, it’s a de facto Peninsular Malaysia company. Its operations, investments, economic focus, and decision-making processes suggest it functions predominantly as a Peninsular Malaysia company. Ponder on the points I am going to present. I stand to be corrected for any inaccuracies, but I make no apologies for addressing these inequities. 

Police Commissioner seemed to have conformed that a policeman was involved in the shooting of a soldier recently in Song during a hunting trip.

Police, military and District Office should learn a lesson from the death of a soldier who was said shot dead by hunters in the forest in Song on 23 September 2024 recently.

Merdeka Day or Malaysia Independence Day celebration will fall on 31August. 31 August has no significance to Sarawak as it is an Independence Day of Malaya in which Sarawak should not get involved in its celebration.


Raja Petra Kamarudin claimed that THE RISING racial and religious tension in the country can only be subdued or put to an end if every non-Malay/non-Muslim citizen accepts that “Malaysia is originally Tanah Melayu, Islam is accorded a high status and it is not a secular state” - see FOCUS MALAYSIA 10/4/2024. This is definitely not correct.

JOINT PRESS STATEMENT 24th March 2024 - Sabah Sarawak NGOs Borneo's Plight in Malaysia Foundation (BoPiMaFo) and Sabah Sarawak Rights Australia New Zealand (SSRANZ) an international NGO based in Australia, have jointly issued a statement expressing revulsion and strongly condemning the UMNO party’s support of its members inciting race and religion hate over the so-called “Allah Socks”.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang,(PBK) is concerned about the bill proposing constitutional amendments to citizenship law tabled in parliament at the moment, because it will prevent children who have been born to Malaysian mothers abroad from obtaining citizenship.

Sarawak has lost all her local banks after a policy to have the banks merged with bigger banks. Now Sarawak pride on the success of KK Mart Convenience Store founded by a Sarawakian Dato Seri KK Chai. KK Mart is a success story and should not caused by current politicisng of the "Allah socks" be forced to close down.

I have received complaints regarding law enforcement officers requiring members of the public to be present in their office by way of making phone calls to them. Suddenly, they found themselves put under arrest and be remanded. In certain cases, they could not access to their lawyers and members of their families.

There's case for Independents entering the fray, win or lose, for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest! There's case for Independents entering the fray in GE16 and the next state election for hearing on matters of public concern and public interest in Sabah.

A question is now posed by many is that whether the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, constitutional? The press mentioned that Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud resigned as governor ahead of the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace him but, there seems no official announcement of this by the state government or by Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud himself.

"We need to clarify that PBK could not have any ties with PKR simply on the ground that, PKR being a political party from Malaya doesn’t share the struggles of PBK."

It is a shock to read that Parti Bumi Kenyalang has ties with PKR and that PBK has a joint statement with PKR concerning the appointment of Sarawak Governor(TYT) – see Dayak Daily January 24, 2024 & Utusan Borneo Online 25 January, 2024.

It is noted that there is nothing in the Sarawak Constitution to prohibit a non-Malay or a non-muslim to be the governor of Sarawak. If there is a silent agreement among the elites in Sarawak or Malaysia that only Malays or Muslims could be governors, such an unholy agreement should be removed. All previous TYTs, including on acting on this position, were all malays or muslims. This is seen as discrimination of race in Sarawak to such an important position.

MIRI, Jan 20 — Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan has called for the Federal Constitution to be amended towards regaining public confidence in the Malaysian judicial system.

Often police will justify the shooting of the suspect because the suspect is suspected to have committed many crimes under investigation and was armed at the time of shooting.

Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) was a political deception carefully crafted by the British and Tunku Abdul Rahman to hand over Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak as a gift by the British to enlarge Malaya in 1963.

We have never been an independent state since 1946 after Sarawak and Sabah were annexed and made Crown Colonies by the United Kingdom along with Singapore.

Malaysia needs an effective government agency to fight corruption. Stiff penalty alone against offenders is not enough. The law should broaden its nets to catch other acts that gives "free lunch" to people by politicians and governments.

After the 2nd World War, the United Nations being mindful and conscious of human rights and the need for peaceful and friendly relations between people based on universal respect for the principles of equal rights, freedom and self-determination of all peoples in the world, passed and adopted on 14 December 1960 General Assembly Resolution 1514 of the right to self-determination.

Thanks to members of the press who covered the decision or news on the MA63 Suit yesterday. To Sarawakians and Sabahans who followed the news we also thank you for your interest in this suit. We know it was tough to get court to buy our argument but we have achieved our purpose.

KUCHING (May 6): Sarawakians and Sabahans need to understand the heavy responsibility that Judicial Commissioner Alexander Siew is facing with regard to the suit filed by 11 plaintiffs against the governments of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak seeking the court to declare the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) as an invalid agreement.

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