

(Wednesday, 11 July 2018 08:53 - 本报古晋10日讯)砂拉越是全国最大的天然煤气生产与出口州,占了全国总生产的60到65巴仙。此外,在石油方面,全国所生产的30巴仙石油来自砂拉越。

干嘛? 又梦到....?

Why? N strangled you in your dream? No, it was A.
Ada dreaming siapa?  Najib?  Bukan, Anuar lah!

Malaysia people has enough of waiting for delivery of promises which becomes broken promises and the dissatisfaction of people now becoming modified popular songs presented in video format. Will this spell the down fall of PH government?

Malaysia is just a change of name in United Nations from federation of Malaya to a new name Malaysia. Malaysia is never a new country. Anyone can search in United Nations website to find the details. The federal constitution of Malaysia is based on federation of Malaya Agreement 1957 and not based on Malaysia Agreement 1963.

(Borneo Post - BY MARIAH DOKSIL ON AUGUST 15, 2019, THURSDAY AT 9:17 AM)

KOTA KINABALU: Many Sabahan netizens expressed their disappointment on Facebook yesterday over remarks made by controversial Muslim preacher, Zakir Naik. His remarks were said to be about Chinese Malaysians, while rebutting calls for him to leave the country.

人聯:萊納斯事件證明無能 林冠英黃德需向民道歉

(eunited - By Tan Chok Bui 发布于 August 3, 2019)

Tiong: PH fails to conduct local elections in Penang and Selangor

(DayakDaily - August 2, 2019)

KUCHING, August 2: Progressive Democratic Party (PDP) president Datuk Seri Ting King Sing has asserted that Pakatan Harapan (PH) including DAP has no ground to call for local government elections in Sarawak because the federal coalition itself has failed to do so in the states they control including Penang and Selangor.

PH government forced people to pay Departure tax, soda tax, property gain tax, and so many other taxes. The payback time will come very soon, especially in the next Sarawak election.

Current Market Price for Crude Oil is USD65.20  per barrel (28 Jul2019 2:16pm) average production cost is USD30.00 per barrel therefore net profit value = USD65.20 - USD30 = USD35.20 per barrel Therefore Petronas is earning net profit of USD35.20 x 170,000 barrels per day= USD5,984,000 per day which is about RM23,936,000 per day(Rate USD1=RM4).  Natural gas output (680,000 barrels) net income was RM113 Million per day while Crude oil output per day is 170,000 barrel with per day net income of RM25,753,000 based on official 2017 figure, making a total of about RM139 Million per day. 

If there's only Malay and Bumiputras and no Chinese, the Chinese will live to regret … It's time for the Chinese to think very deeply, rather than talking about things like discrimination, which are relatively smaller issues than the Right to be able to determine the destiny of this Country where the Chinese have a say.

RamboChai 蔡阿保: 一直很 ‘生氣’,關於砂拉越的字眼,被人‘淡忘’ / 忽略使用。。。你是不是也用錯了砂拉越呢?全馬來西亞人都說錯的中文名 = Sarawak 沙撈越 | 砂勞越 | 砂撈越 | 砂拉越 (下面還有東西看喔!) 我們一起努力改變,用對的名字喲~

One YouTube user RamboChai 蔡阿保 produced and uploaded this video about Sarawak regaining its independence. He talked about History and what will likely happen if Sarawak regain its independence.

RamboChai 蔡阿保: 如果【砂拉越】【沙巴】【马来亚】各自为国。 简单分享关于东马西马的小小知识。也请大家分享哦~ 谢谢 (下面還有東西看喔!) 详细独立日 : 【砂拉越】是一个国, 砂拉越独立日 :1963年07月22日 【沙巴】是一个国, 沙巴独立日 :1963年08月31日 【马来亚】是一个国, 马来亚独立日 :1957年08月31日

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Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".

We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated. 

肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。

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