‘Why lodge a police report if we met all requirements?’

by Karen Bong
KUCHING, July 24: Sarawak Association for Peoples’ Aspirations (Sapa) president Dominique Ng questions why a police report was lodged against him despite fulfilling all requirements under the law for organising the Sarawak Day assembly at Padang Merdeka which was held without incident on Monday (July 22).

Comment On News:

Knowing the history is only the first step especially Sarawak government on 20 May 2016 gazetted 22 July as the Sarawak Independence Day.

However, there is no effort to register the gazette in United Nations to declare Sarawak independence or should Sarawak government act further to table and pass Declaration of Independence in DUN and send it to United Nations for registration of Sarawak Independence?





这个短片提醒我们砂拉越人56年来被马来亚分化,分而治之。依班人,马来人,华人被分成不同团体,分而治之,因此各个团体变成不团结,没有力量,所以56年来被马来亚殖民都无可奈何。今天的我们应以“SARAWAK NATION", "BANGSA SARAWAK", "砂拉越人”自稱。才能转化被分化的风險。

频道361 - Channel July 6 at 10:56 AM ·
郭素沁部长又大嘴巴,惹起公愤了,再次滥用部长职权打压民间。 现在连学校也不放过。请看988电台视频。

The Education Project of an International school was under the attack of  Primary Industries Minister as well as Education Ministry unnecessarily. They should leave the international school alone in the name of freedom of speech and government should not shoot down anyone who are disagreeing  with government policies. 

It seems there is no Chinese version Fair Land Sarawak available in youtube therefore this video produced for the purpose.

KUCHING, June 19: There is nothing seditious for Sarawak to seek independence from Malaysia, as there is nothing in the Federal Constitution to stop the state from seeking self determination.

KUCHING, June 13: In the quest for independence, Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) said it does not believe in race politics. Party president Voon Lee Shan said this is because it is through race politics that the economy, religious freedom and democracy have been destroyed.


#wsj #tv2 #sarawak #malaysiaagreement1963 #MA63

The video  was produced by one facebook user relating issues before and after May 9 Malaysia General Election. Ufortuneately it was in Chinese. Hopefully English version will be available in the future.

Source: facebook

Image result for 山打根补选  Image result for 山打根补选

这三个穆斯林民族是90年代的西马执政党为了削弱沙巴本土势力而进行的Project IC,也就是进口菲律宾和印尼的居民进而改变人口架构的计划的产物也难怪本土势力会如此被当地人口厌恶,因为当地的人口架构已经被改变所谓的本土势力已经被外来者代替加上希盟承诺要给这些外来者居民身份,难怪火箭可以在山打根大胜沙菲益的确是这些外来人口的bossku很多希盟支持者还在高兴地说巫伊联盟不奏效,国家可以避免回教化。其实他们忘了,沙巴人口结构已经逐渐被外来份子改变,回教化只是时间的问题,没有什么好高兴的。



Bintulu mp Dato Seri Tiong King Sing raised the issue in Parliament.


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Rakyat Sarawak telah mengalami sekali pertikaian dan telah mencapai persafahaman untuk memastikan kepentingan dan kebaikan Sarawak dipertahankan maka menyeru Kerajaan Sarawak ambil tindakan menggesa pihak professional seperti Persatuan peguam Sarawak, pertubuhan swasta dan pihak parti-parti politik di Sarawak sumbangkan cadangan mereka. Kami rakyat Sarawak menyeru dan menggesa Kerajaan Sarawak akan boleh bertindak:-

Image result for 聯合國大會第一五四一(十五)號決議(United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV))

聯合國大會第一五四一(十五)號決議(United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1541 (XV))是联合国大会于1960年12月15日所通過的联合国会员国确定是否负有义务递送联合国宪章第七十三条(辰)款规定的情报所应遵循的原则。

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肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。

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